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2021 ux250h oil pump failure

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We have a 2021 UX 250h with 12000km on it. We were on a road trip last week and while heading up a mountain pass I just happened to look in the rearview mirror
and notice a large amount of blue smoke pouring out the back of the car. It took about a minute to find a safe spot to stop. Once we got out all you could smell was burning
oil. Once we got started again the car seemed fine. We called Lexus dealer and talked to a tech who could say much but did book us in for service once we got home. They looked at the car and said it had a soft code for oil pump failure. He also mentioned the oil was severely degraded and commented that was odd. They would not change the oil pump because it was a soft code, not a hard code, meaning the problem did not happen again. They are taking the car for the weekend to see if they can see if it happens again. We have no experience with this type of problem with a very expensive new car. Does this sound normal and or acceptable?

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The key is finding out why the oil was "severely degraded" from the factory. 
I would try very hard to find out why this would be described that way.


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