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hey guys, how are you?, i have a somewhat urgent question to ask if you don't mind.. :blushing:

i took a bad dip on the left side of my love GS 400, and then since then i would hear weird noises like a clanking sound after i "passed" a bump or pothole. and it feels like the left rear interior is making crazy noises(at least to me..no one else seems to be noticing them) when i hit a pothole or bad roads. any thoughts?

really need advices...


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Hi Jimmy, I've had the same problem with my GS's front left side from a pothole. I had to replace one of my OZ rims due to it being bent beyond repair :( . But I think my problem was more noticeable "more like a rubbbing sound". Didn't have a clanking sound to it though. Turned out the wheel bearing was dammaged. You should have the problem checked out. There could be something damaged or out of placed causing the sound.


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  • 2 weeks later...
hey guys, how are you?, i have a somewhat urgent question to ask if you don't mind.. :blushing:

i took a bad dip on the left side of my love GS 400, and then since then i would hear weird noises like a clanking sound after i "passed" a bump or pothole. and it feels like the left rear interior is making crazy noises(at least to me..no one else seems to be noticing them) when i hit a pothole or bad roads. any thoughts?

really need advices...


You may have bent one of your control arm. You should have this checked. You may also start to see strange tire ware. You should have is checked for safty reasons. Good luck.

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