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The Tailgating Hyundai


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Hi Guys!! :)

Last night [Friday] I was out and about in my LS. Nearing the end of my drive - a little 'modded-up' Hyundai Accent [i think - it was dark - couldn't tell for sure] drove up behind me. Couldn't see who was driving - but I could tell that at least 3 people were in the car. What I DID know is that the driver of that car was a jerk. Not only did he have his highbeams on - but he was also tailgating me. No kidding - if I could have physically squeezed between the back of my car and the front of his car - I would have been surprised. Just as I was about to do something [what - I don't know] I saw something really beautiful. A police car saw what was going on - and pulled the little Hyundai over!! YIPPEE!! I gave a big wave and continued on my way.

Serves him [her?] right!!

I trust none of YOU tailgate.

Craig!! :D

ps "A man who has respect for others - is a man who has respect for himself" - CanadaCraig

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yeah, same here:)

i just hit the brakes and if they touch me they owe me money which i take without involving police since they dont want to involve it not to increase their insurance:)

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I use the other pedal. Not many tailgaters can hang with my LS.

Although I don't tailgate, I have been known to close up fast on a LLB (left lane bandit), after which I back off. Since they are not *BLEEP*ed at me for tailgating briefly, then showing some respect and backing off, they generally moved right (except in New Jersey of course). I have "drafted" on other cars if I am comfortable with the other driver and have been running in a pack with them for awhile. Amazing what a draft I was able to pick up with the Corolla I just bought. Camaro's seem to offer the smoothest draft, glasslike, while a big ole "Temple of Life" van running 85 down the Jersey Turnpike was putting out wicked turbulance at 85mph.

I think it extremly dangerous and not very good judgement to hit the brakes on tailgaters. I do not want to be involved in a wreck for any reason. Just mash down the old accelerator until you hit the power button, and they will qiuckly fade from you rearview mnirror. Just make sure you radar detector is on.


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Den: Do you feel comfortable running a detector in Va.???; I run a Valnt. One plus a jammer(Phazer) but take both out and put them in the trunk when I get above the NC line.

Can't help but remember when they put a trucker in jail and fined him for running a cardboard box painted black on the dashboard that looked like a FuzzBuster.

He did it to protest--but found out Va. is tough.

This was years ago after the law was enacted[FuzzBuster was the 1st detector](Va & Cn had the first law); but it happened. Not referring to the Fed law now on 18-wheelers, but the state law.

Also, Va would not take a check or credit card if you got caught speeding ($100. min.) and if you didn't have cash, you went to jail, until it was 'wired' to you-----this was for OUT-OF-STATE drivers only.

I also lived in Va for 3 years --at Bayside, where the bridge/tunnel comes in---was in Army Air Defense Command--we had Nukes in Nike missiles all around Tidewater--no one knew it tho.

Some guys[in Co. I worked for] carried a certified check from a bank (made out to them) so they could endorse it over to Va. if they were stopped and didn't have enough cash. Don't know current policy tho.


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Denny, I'm with you on the tailgating. "LLB" that's great! :) Around town I don't do it and I certainly don't do it for sport like our little friend in the Hyundai, but when some iddiot is doing 50 in the far left lane with no other way for me to get around, I have no problem with riding their bumper a little to move them out of the way. Tailgating is no more discourtious than them doing 50 in the fast lane especially here in LA we have signs posted on the hwy that say slow traffic keep right...IMO. My favorite is to come up on put-putting Mercedes Benz because they give you this look like you're not good enough to tailgate my $85k car. :lol:


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Yeah Tan, I run the detector in Virginia. I found they work nearly as well on the seat as they do on the dash. I actually only use it on the Interstates and have never been bothered. I started with a Fuzzbuster way back when, Now I use an Escort tri-mode. The best detector made without question is the Valentine One by Mike Valentine. They are about 4 bucks for one though. Lock it in the trunk? no way, they don't work well in there. Anyway, the ticket is a $75 max fine with no points. I'd rather have that the a fat tickets

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I don't like hitting my brakes very often, I like to run at a smooth and fixed speed. I only tailgate when some pulls in front of me, from a parking lot or another street and slow me down [acting like they didn't see me coming down]. Usually when they see the ''L" in there rear view mirror they relized that they shouldn't have done that, and speed up.

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