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Dented Car!


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:angry: Some SOB dented my car while it was parked and left the scene. The area above the left front tire is completely ruined. Anyone know how much this will cost to fix. :pirate::censored: :chairshot: :angry: My pappy tells me its gonna cost over 1000$.
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It is amazing to me how many people will hit your car and then just leave. Someone backed into my truck last year and did about $700 worth of damage and left. It was obviously some idiot driving a big battletank SUV as the dent was high. I'd be glad if they banned SUV's altogether. Nobody NEEDS a monster SUV to take the kids to school and soccer. Hopefully gasoline prices will continue to go up and force people out of them.

Sorry to hear about your Lex.

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Pics of the crime scene...


There's also another dent from a previous hit-and-run to the left (second pic) that happened just a few weeks before when my car was parked somewhere else.

Anyone know any good and cheap body shops in the L.A. Area? I think its gonna cost a lot to fix just because it's a lexus.

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Most of that dent can be removed by a paintless dent remover for aout $125-200

the paint should be able to get bufed out most of it atleast. I just cant see how much of the paint has been cracked rather than scrapped.

The panel doesn;t need removing. So it shuold be about 100 to normaly take out dent and fill with bondo. plus paint maybe 300 or so

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Ow thats ugly, but not as bad as it could have been. Racer's brother's damage is worse because it compromised the fenderwell.

No PDR guy is going to touch that mainly because its:

1. So close to the edge of the panel. They loose the ability to access within 3/4 of an inch or so. This isn't the case on newer Lexus as PDR experts helped with the design of the panels so they'd be easily accessable.

2. The panel is creased in several places, similar to a crumple.

Basically PDR is only for dings and plain dents and works best at the center of a panel.

They probably wont have to replace the fender, they'll pound it out, smooth and grind it, then paint and blend it into the hood and door. My guess probably $900 or so, couple hundred more if they have to replace the panel.

You got some bald tires on that thing!

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Expect to pay around $1k-$1500 for a good job to be done. Something like this happened to my mom's car a few months ago(F150 with trailer hitch backed into the front right fender. Needless to say the F150 was completely unharmed!). I'm sorry about the damage; I hope you find a good repair man.


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I feel for you. My wife was parked at the grocery store in our LS400 and somebody keyed the driver's side from the back fender all the way to the front grill. I took it to Lexus and it cost almost $4,000. to repair it. My insurance paid all but the $500. deductable. They did an excellent job on it and you can't tell that one side was even repainted.

I'm sure the culprit was somebody that was jealous that they can't afford the best.

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Creases are harder to remove but can be removed by those who are above par. I have seen and use a guy has fixed worse. The paint is a different situation thought, I just can;t estimate it properly with the angle and pics.

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That's nothing, any local body shop will smooth that out and pain it for less than a couple of hundred bucks. Last year US 2 ton Mail truck did a number on my 99 LS. The SOB sliced through my front left fender the front bumper as he was attempting to park his truck. Lexus dealership quoted me at $2400 bucks to smooth out the fender and replace the bumper. Well that seemed a bit outrageous, so I took my car to an independent German specialty body shop. The manager, glanced at the car and began to smile. It only took two days to smooth everything out and paint the entire fender and the whole bumper for $350 bucks. The color match was perfect and to-date I haven't noticed any pealing.

So my advise don't take your car to Lexus dealership, simply find a reliable body shop that either specializes in German or Japanese car and let they take care of it. Give them $200 buck no more.

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Oh no, never use the Lexus dealer, or any dealership shop. You'll always get a better repair at an independent place.

I wouldnt say "give him $200 no more" though, you have no idea what the rates are in his area (LA), or how bad the damage may be in reality. I was quoted $800 just to repaint my rear bumper. There are many variables that come into play.

Just get a couple estimates and go with the shop you like the most. It'll go under your comprehensive or uninsured motorist coverage and won't effect your premiums.

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