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Get Out And Vote


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Election day is my favorite day of this year. I'm even going to put a candle in my celebritory Snickers bar. For today means that tomorrow my phone will quit ringing every fifteen minutes begging for money. I'll be able to turn-on the television and watch ten minutes of programing at a time, instead of three minutes of programing and twenty seven minutes of two people calling each other liers.....correct that...Damn Liers.

Wherever you are, wherever you roam, always remember, they were both lying anyway. - " Burma Shave"

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So my dad called me a few minutes ago from Florida. He said the local news channel is saying that it could all come down to Virginia, with one particular county playing the biggest role in how VA falls - Loudoun County. If it falls to Romney - oh SW, oh man oh man... You're the one who sold me the house! The irony of this is just too funny!

For the record, I really don't care who wins anymore. We're America - we get it right regardless of who's on Fox News! I see enough pros from both parties to be happy either way.

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Hitting the Zoloft a bit early, aren't we?

Mmmmm... I'm thinking imported Gouda with free-range bacon, all gently smoothered on pure Angus beef.... I can taste it already!!

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Well, crap! I will say that if one of them can wrap this up before Florida becomes another issue, I'll be glad. It's looking like you're going to get that prime rib after all my friend!

I will say though, how can a state be won with less than 1% of the vote counted?

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If Romney does take the Electoral College, at least he'll be able to do some graduate work on how to recognize a citizen that owns only one house. (That is before his playmates on Wallstreet threw you out of that one house.)

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Must've been a typo on NBC. They said Obama won WI, but showed Romney with more votes. 145k vs 155k to Romney.

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You got it my man, you got it! Fair n' square! Lets catch up tomorrow and finally get it on the books!

I'm so glad this friggin thing is over! Wanted Romney, feel bad for the guy, but it is what it is. The sun shall rise again in the morning. At least we don't have to start over with a new president on a learning curve.

It does appear my theory about the capital markets giving a clear indication if the sitting president is in real danger of being replaced has held true. Market has been up for this entire election, with no real dips. History, in this regard, has not been wrong. Look at what happened when Bush Sr lost to Clinton in 92'. What this does mean however, is that in 2016, we're probably in for a market crash again. Just like ever other election in modern history has shown us. But, we'll cross those bridges when the time comes!

Congrats, Obama fans!

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I do feel badly for Romney. He's a victim of what ran me out of e Republican Party. He came into this being someone that could really win, moderate socially, conservative fiscally, good business background. He could have won big, but he had to run way right to get the nomination, and looked like a flip flopper when he went back to the center. Sad that the crazies in the GOP have done that to the party.

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I now feel like a passenger on the Titanic, The Captain is unaware, The Band is still playing, Not enough Lifeboats and WE are taking on Water.....Sad Times For Sure....And to think WE hit the Iceberg 4 years ago, Grimm :censored: <_<

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I tend to agree with SW though on this. As a republican myself, some of that rehteric started to get a little unnerving. On the economy alone, I liked Romney. On the social issues, I liked Obama. I am not surprised 2016 is already in discussion, and if the democrats want to take it, they have no choice but to work with the republicans to get some very crucial goals met, specifically the debt load. Obama isn't working anymore to save his job, and he won't be making decisions anymore with that mindset taking center stage in his mind (although legacy issues will exist, but he's a made man already). He'll be working for his party, and if his party wants to go into the next election without Obama on the ticket and win, they can't go into it with these key problems still in existance. They really have no choice anymore but to listen to the republicans and start to bend here and there. That line in the sand approach, has to stop now, from both sides.

Here are some pretty compelling facts from last night, and this whole election. One, no "home state" of the republicans was won by them. MI, NH, MA, WI....all went Obama. That's telling. Two, the whole idea of taxing the rich more being a problem, doesn't seem to be much of a problem to the rich. When you look at the map, all of the areas that represent the highest concentrations of wealth in this country, went Obama. The vast majority of the personal wealth of this country is along the coasts. Evenly spread across the west coast, and more concentrated in the NE and midatlantic region of the east coast. The NE leads the way in this regard, which isn't surprising given that it's also the oldest pocket of this country. All of these states went with the guy who wants to tax them more. Even where I live, in VA, went Obama. I can't argue against that, because on a personal level, big government is good for what I do for a living here in DC. While not a popular topic of discussion around the national water cooler, and a fact that I have personally seen and lived over the past few years, if you're in the DC region, you are more insulated and protected from the harsh realities of the economy. It's one of the main reasons why that nearly 75% of the people who move here, don't leave. That, and it's a pretty cool town in general to live in! I flippin' love this town!

End of the day - I think we're all going to be just fine. There are far too many components of the health of an economy that 1600 Penn Ave can have any input in. Like the consumer confidence levels. Let us not forget here folks, that much of what we all bought during the 05-08' timeframe, is still doing fine today. Cars are lasting much longer, TV's haven't drastically changed, your house probably isn't falling down around you. I predict that during the next 4 years however, some of this is going to change, and folks will start to stick their toes back into the water again. You match this with a political system that is indeed facing the "big" test in 4 years of having no choice but to replace a president, and I'm willing to bet both sides are motivated to make things better so they can each take credit for it.

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Ok, its done, lets hope that this term the politicians reach out from both sides of the isle and start solving the nations issues. Hopefully no more of this one sided stuff, and hopefully somebody shuts Harry Reid up...We need co-operation, not the decisive stance that both sides have taken. Only time will tell. I hope it isnt going to be four years of campaign rehetoric.

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All I will say is OK.

Don't be bitter ;) Even lenore's not bitter!

To me the GOP really needs to take something away from this significant loss. And really, its a significant loss, even with all the troubles in the economy, Libya, defecits, debt, the fiscal cliff, they only flipped two states that Obama won in 2008. It turned out to not even be that close.

What they need to take away is that they have got to move more to the center. Its time to give up trying to overtunr Roe v Wade, thats been law for 40 years. Its time to stop going after Planned Parenthood and trying to legislate from the bible. Its time to expel the whackos out of thier party, because they cost them this election by forcing Mitt Romney to have to take severe positions on social issues in order to win the nomination, and forcing him to choose a wortless nutjob like Paul Ryan to be his running mate. Had Mitt Romney of MA run in this race, pro-choice, for real healthcare reform, and fiscally conservative with his business background he would have been unbeatable. But...that Mitt Romney would have lost in the primaries.

Its time for the young guns in the GOP, the Marco Rubios and the like to stand up against these crazy fringe tea partiers and the old, white, male establishment in their party, tell them to put their bibles away and start creating a platform that can win.

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PS...looks like the market loves that he was re-elected! and seriously I wasn't being bitter. I have been swamped with "sandy" claims. I must have 100-120 people that have had losses and that's the ones I know about. Had to cancel my trip to the Grand Caymans...we have had so much rain here and flooding now my septic system is acting up...think i may be laying out some dough on a new drain-field...not been a great time around here. And I am done with politics at least for awhile...

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