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Get Out And Vote


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This may well be one of the most important elections for the direction this country takes. Please make it a priority to get out and vote. The welfare of our nation as well as the future for our children, grandchildren, and elderly are at stake. Ask yourself, did the politician of your choice threaten your benefits, or did he offer solutions and a positive outlook. Questions to ponder are whom is going to try and fix the problems of Social Security, Medicare, jobs, and our growing national debt? Whom is willing to better work with both sides of the aisle to bring us back together? Remember, you cant complain unless you participate. Your Vote does count. God Bless America.

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We don't agree on which candidate can do the best job of fixing the problems, you old big X 720 tech. but I absolutely agree about voting. If you don't vote, don't complain. If you don't vote, you waste the gift of democracy.


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So Lenore IS voting for Obama Jim, he's voting for the winner!

Lenore's vote doesn't count anyways because he lives in CA ;)

Not from an ideology perspective, but do you really think Romney's going to win Lenore?

The issue is that its not a popular election. When you look at polls in battleground states, most specifically Ohio, where Obama's up pretty consistently, and has a 30 point lead in early voting. If Romney looses Ohio, its very hard for him to get to 270 electoral votes.

Go to http://www.cnn.com/e...r#?battleground and play with the figures.

I think Romney is going to win FL & NC, VA maybe...that leaves NV (and a lot of media have changed NV to lean Obama from toss-up_), Colorado, Ohio, Iowa, Wisconsin, New Hampshire. If you look at the polls in those states, Romney has an uphill climb. If Romney wins FL, NC & VA Obama wins NV, IA, WI, NH & CO...he wins...without needing to win OH. If he wins OH, which looks likely...he can loose NV, CO & NH...if Obama wins NV and FL...he wins without winning any other state.

If Romney cannot win Ohio...its VERY hard for him to win, and Obama is consistently up in the polls. If Obama by some chance wins FL...Romney cannot win IMHO. Although I would be surprised if he won FL...

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My (confidential) vote was mailed, postmarked Saturday October 13th.

Too bad the USPS is too broke to actually deliver it!

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OK, now I'm WAY overdue for a lunch meeting with SWO. I say we make a friendly bet on who pays for lunch! The winner gets to pick the place, and the loser gets to pick up the tab!

Steve and I will post up the picture to prove it actually happened!

I'll be having a steak sandwich and a steak sandwich, charged to the Underhills!

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PS: what a boob! I know this place, actually have a tee shirt from it, and partially blame the 30lbs I picked up during our time in Chicago. No place to fit a politician! Unless, of course, you need to stop up the flow of crap!


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i still say it is going to be my winner....however the polls are close. just depends on how many dead people are voting this election. chicago likes that kind of election. Man i need to move out of this state....maybe idaho....we balance our budget here just like in DC.

this is going to be really close or a complete landslide....

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OK, now I'm WAY overdue for a lunch meeting with SWO. I say we make a friendly bet on who pays for lunch! The winner gets to pick the place, and the loser gets to pick up the tab!

Steve and I will post up the picture to prove it actually happened!

I think this is a great idea! Its a bet!

What are the oddsmakers in Vegas saying...

I haven't seen one that had Obama at less than a 60% chance of winning.

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Just a side note; You all know that Obama and Romney have almost taken up residency here in Iowa, trying to milk our few Electoral votes. Literally, one of the other are here every other day.

The real earth quake about about this, is that the four largest newspapers in the state have all endorsed Romney!!! Especially the Des Moines Register, the largest and with state wide circulation, has never endorsed a Republican in almost fifty years!

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Wow, that's cool in Iowa. But what's more amazing is that those 4 old print newspapers are still in business. Check back in a couple decades to see how many are still in business.

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It's a bet!

Mmmm.... bacon cheeseburger at the Capitol Grill, with extra fries.... I can almost taste it now! :cheers:

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The bet is on who wins the White House next week.

I did nearly 3 years in Chicago. Trust me, if the deep-dish (and the Mars Cheese Castle in Wisconsin) didn't stroke me out.... The cheeseburger isn't going to either. Now, the cost of that cheeseburger might stroke-out SW though! If that's the case, I call dibs on the ES (it's real purdie, I've been in it before)! :whistles:

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Cost don't bother me! I ain't buyin ;)

Why am I not surprised the guy voting for Obama, isn't bothered by the cost!

Oh Snap - Zing!! Sorry my friend, you walked right into that one!

Lenore - be quiet, we're joking here "I can hear you typing all the way from DC!"

They also have Creme Brûlée too that's great to reset the pallet after such a fine dining experience :-) A personal favorite of mine!

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