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My Experience Going From An Rx300 To The Rx400h

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Hey guys :)

I've had my 2008 Rx400h for about 3 months now, after trading in my 2003 Rx300. I just wanted to share my overall experiences having driven both.

Here are some of the things i like better about the Rx400h:

The Navigation Screen

The screen in the 400h is much larger and of better resolution than the tiny one in the 300.

The pixel transition speed is also faster on the 400h screen which is less distracting.

The 400h screen menu gives you the option to toggle between icon color (either brown or blue) vs the standard icon color of brown in the 300 screen.

And the screen in the 400h is brighter which makes it easier to see in bright sunlight.

The gauge cluster

This might seem like a weird one, but i really appreciate the beauty of a nice gauge display.

The Rx300 speedometer gauges are back-lit by a cold cathode tube, which emits an "off-white" color, which turns into a faded green as it ages.

The rx400h speedometer gauges are back-lit with LED's which emit a pure white color which is more pleasing to the eyes.

Although the 300 and 400h share the same "optitron" technology (using a tinted cover to bring out the black/white effect) i think the 400h makes the best use of it, and makes for a more appealing effect. The rings around the speedometer, power, gas and temp gauges are also nice to look at. A+ to Lexus for this one :)

Illuminated Homelink Buttons

Although the Rx300 did have the three homelink buttons on the sun visor, they weren't illuminated. This made it a chore to find them at nighttime.

The homelink buttons in the 400h are illuminated which makes it easier to locate during nighttime.

Also, the location of the homelink buttons was moved to the upper "center" console in the 400h vs on the drivers sun visor in the 300. It was always a pain to have to reach above your head in front of you to press them, which sort of obstructed your view for a second.

Dual Climate Control

This has to be one of the best relationship "anti-argument " features put out by Lexus. Whenever i'd drive with my girlfriend in the Rx300, there was always a battle when it came to programming the temperature setting. Either i'd want it warm when she'd want it cold, or visa versa. No longer a problem in the 400h due to the dual climate control. I can keep my side nice and toasty while she can grow icicles on her her side :) Definitely a cool invention.

Illuminated Door Sills

When you open the doors of the Rx300, if you look down you will see the door sill, a long strip of aluminum with the word "LEXUS" engraved in the center- very classy. But the engineers of the Rx400h found a way to beat it, by having the word LEXUS illuminated a bright blue color. Passengers are greeted with the light every time they open the door, and i get a lot of compliments about it.

Interior Quietness

Compared to the road nosies heard while in the Rx300, the Rx400h offers much more sound deadening qualities. Besides engine noises, the car interior seems silent when in motion. Definitely makes riding in the Rx400h feel more luxurious.

Gate Shifter

Again, i might be alone in this one, but i really like the use of the gate shifter unit vs the linear one found on the Rx300.

Having to press a button to move the shifter up or down in the 300 was sort of.... a pain. The 400h shifter uses both x and y movements which makes gear selection easier without having to look at the unit.

Not to mention the gate shifter looks much more modern.

Steering Wheel Controls

The Rx400h steering wheel contains switches for radio volume, seek and mode, along with switches for the bluetooth and gauge display options. Having easy access controls on the steering wheels allows you to make setting changes without taking your hands off of the wheel. This is something i always envied when i had the Rx300, which didn't have any controls at all.

Rear Power Door

When i first heard about the feature, i thought i would never have a use for it. I also thought if i were to ever get caught using it... well being a guy that could be embarrassing.

But, it's proven to be a useful feature even to a guy. Being able to press a button on the key to open the rear tailgate is a blessing when carrying heavy bags- oops, i mean weights, lumber and plumbing equipment :P Definitely a nice feature.

Headlight AFS and auto-leveling

Auto-leveling is not necessarily a new feature with HID headlights (which the Rx300 had) but the use of it has improved for the 400h.

Whenever one accelerates quickly in the 400h, the headlight beam automatically lowers to prevent you from blinding oncoming drivers (as the nose of the car raises). Also, when braking hard, the beam automatically moves upward, responding to the dip in the front end. The auto-leveling in the Rx300 only moved the beam up or down if there was excessive weight in the rear cargo area etc. It did not respond to things like acceleration and quick braking like it does in the 400h. But the AFS system IS a new feature found in the 400h. The AFS system allows the headlight beam to move left and right (whereas auto-leveling only moves the beam up or down) based on steering. If you're traveling above 20mph and take even the slightest turn, the left projector beam moves left to give you more lighting in the direction you are going. It does the same if you are moving to the right, but by a lesser degree (which i think is stupid, but i'll talk about that later...).

Headlight Washers

Although i have never actually used them for the purpose of cleaning off the headlight lenses, it's pretty cool to press a button and have the nozzles pop out of the bumper and spray, freaking out innocent passer byers :P


This is another feature i didn't think i would actually use, but it's proven to be a nice amenity that the Rx300 lacked. Not having to hold the phone to your ear is pretty cool, and being able to pick-up and hang-up calls via the steering wheel or nav screen is also a nice safety feature.

Interior Materials

I find the quality of the interior dash materials in the Rx400h an improvement over the Rx300.

The dashboards in both the 300 and 400h are made from that "squishy" material, but all other surfaces in the 300 are made from hard plastic. In the 400h, the hard plastic pieces are covered with textured vinyl which gives it more of a Lexus "feel". If it isn't covered in textured vinyl, it's covered in a nice velvety material (like on the upper side pillars). Although, i do find the seat leather in the 400h to be a little more "rubbery" than the leather found in the Rx300. I believe it's made this way to resist cracking and fading, which was common in the leather of the Rx300. Nevertheless, i find the 400h overall interior to be of better quality.

Heated Seat Controls

Although the Rx300 did come with front heated seats, there were only two settings, a low and a high. The controls for the Rx400h heated seats have been improved with a potentiometer dial which allows for an infinite linear selection from off to high.


Wow! There's a definite improvement in acceleration in the 400h. I used to think the power in the Rx300 was brisk, but that was until i started driving the Rx400h. Although the 0-60 time of 7.2 seconds for the Rx400h AWD isn't "Porsche" fast, it certainly beats the 8.8 second time of the Rx300. Definitely enough pep to switch out of lanes and merge when on the highway.

CVT transmission

I had no idea what this was until i drove the Rx400h for the first time. On the test drive, i noticed the car never seemed to switch gears. You know that lurch you feel when a standard automatic transmission switches gears? No such feel is ever felt in the Rx400h. Acceleration is a complete linear increase with no breaks or lurching. It's a nice feature and makes the ride more enjoyable. Only downside is that it makes acceleration sound slow, not really that sports car tone.

Telescoping Steering Wheel

Never really thought about this feature until it came in handy. When the Rx400h is turned off, the steering wheel retracts and lifts to it's highest point. When the car is turned on, it comes back out and down to the driver's set position. I like how it gets out of the way after turning the car off, it allows you to be able to carry out books or whatever without scratching the steering wheel. I assume it's to give the rather large American easier entry and exit :P , but nevertheless it has many advantages lol.

Automatic Windshield Wipers

Probably one of the most convenient features found in the 400h that wasn't optional on the Rx300. There's a sensor at the top of the windshield in front of the rear-view mirror that detects rain droplets, along with the amount and the rate at which they're falling. The computer is then able to tell the wipers how fast and at what interval to move! Whether it's lightly sprinkling or pouring, it knows what to do. It's even able to adjust the speed and frequency based on how fast you're going- it's definitely one of the smartest technologies found in the Rx400h. The real test will be determined when the snow begins to fall, but i have a feeling it will perform just as well.

Cup Holders

For anyone who has either owned or driven in an Rx300, you know how horrible the cup holders are. They're only recessed maybe 2" which isn't nearly enough depth to safely secure any drink of any size. I am happy to say the cup holders in the Rx400h have been improved and have passed the spill test.


This isn't really something i'm able to enjoy on a daily basis, but it's nice to know that it's there. The Rx300 is equipped with both driver & passenger front airbags, along with frontal side airbags, but that doesn't even compare with the defense the 400h has prepared. The Rx400h also has both front & rear curtain airbags along with a drivers knee airbag to add to the usual frontal airbags. It's nice to know that in the event of a crash, the Rx400h will do it's best to keep the driver in one piece :)

LED Taillights

The Rx400h offers LED taillights which produce quicker and more crisp light compared to the filament bulbs in the Rx300. The response time of LED's is up to 8x faster than filament bulbs, and the "quick" illumination is pretty cool.

Gas Mileage

I have saved this one for last, because i feel it deserves last place. The Rx400h mileage of city 26mpg and highway 24mpg IS statistically an increase compared to the city 16mpg and highway 20mpg of the Rx300, but i feel the increase looks better on paper than in real time use (i will explain later).

Now here are some things i feel the Rx400h either lacks or needs improvement on compared to the Rx300.

Gas Mileage

Like i said before, statistically the Rx400h burns less gas per mile in comparison to the Rx300, but i can't help but feel the benefits are somewhat skewed, and this is why: The gas tank in the Rx300 is 19.8 gallons, whereas the gas tank in the Rx400h is a mere 17.2 gallons. So even though the Rx400h gets better mileage, i am re-fueling JUST AS OFTEN as i did when i had the Rx300. And since the tank in the Rx400h is smaller than the one found in the Rx300 (and smaller than the tanks found many other SUV's) you pay less at the pump per fill-up. I believe this gives you the "illusion" that you are saving more money than you really are. Yes, i know the tank is smaller because there's more battery equipment etc, but it's definitely something to think about.

Gas Cover Open switch

On the Rx300, there was a miniature lever on the ground next to the drivers seat that would have to be pulled for the gas tank cover to be flipped open. It was very responsive. But on the Rx400h, there's this stupid electronic button that needs to be pressed for the cover to flip open. I would say 99.99% of the time, you need to press it 3 times before it opens. It's NOT very responsive. Not to mention it's located on the left lower dash panel that's parallel to the driver's line of vision, which makes it impossible to find unless you move your head down to your lap to find it. Not to mention it's not illuminated, so you need to to turn on the interior light to see it. Everything about this function sucks lol.

Moonroof Switche(s) plural for a reason

On the upper console of the Rx300, there was ONE rocker switch that controlled all functions of the moonroof (open, close, tilt up and tilt down). To open the moonroof, you quickly pressed side A of the switch. To close the moonroof, you quickly press side B of the switch. To tilt open the moonroof, you hold down side A of the switch, and to tilt down, you do the same thing. Simple right? Yes, it was. But on the upper console of the Rx400h, there are now TWO rocker switches that control the same functions of the moonroof. To open the moonroof, you press side A of switch 1. To close the moonroof, you press side B of switch 1. But to tilt up the moonroof, you need to press side A of switch 2.... and to tilt down the moonroof, you need to press side B of switch 2. It may seem easier on paper, but it isn't. I always forget which switch does what, and which side does what, and of course they're not illuminated so it makes it 2x as hard to use the moonroof at nighttime.

Voice Commands

Some of you may be wondering why i put this new feature in the 'cons' section of this post, but trust me, this is where it belongs.

This feature is probably one of the most useless features to have to play with in the Rx400h. Just think of the types of commands you'd want to be able to tell the car to do... maybe increase temperature? change the radio station to x, y, or z? Tell you if there are any road blocks ahead? Well, the Rx400h voice command feature doesn't do any of these. All it can do is change the radio station "up" or "down", switch between "cd changer" and "fm radio" or "go home" if your voice is something like that of a professional English teacher. Not to mention there's about a 2 second delay after you press the button, and another delay while you listen to the girl say "after the beep, please say your command"... I've played with the voice command feature in some of the Acura models, and it's superior to the Rx400h feature by a landslide. It's absolutely useless, and may even cause frustration as you listen to it say, "pardon?" after you have told it to "go home" about a thousand times...

Engine Sound

Since the Rx400h is a hybrid, you'd think engine sounds would be quieter than the Rx330/350, right? WRONG. It's not even "just as loud"- it's louder. When you first turn the car on, you hear nothing. When you start driving, you still hear nothing, until you hit 5mph when the engine starts. The engine at idol or at low speeds with low to moderate acceleration is quiet, until you hit the accelerator. When you hit the gas pedal, the engine roars, almost like a V8 or diesel. At first it was very annoying, but you get used to it. Everyone who drives with me for the first time always asks why it's so loud...

Delay in Acceleration

Although the acceleration is very brisk in the Rx400h, there's a bit of a delay between when you hit the gas and when it takes off. Actually, it's quite noticeable. But despite the delay, as soon as it does "kick-in", your head pushes back against the headrest and you feel the power. If the delay wasn't present, it could take a good second off the 0-60 time for sure...

Navigation Functionality

Yes i did mention how i like the display of the 07+ navigation screens, but i find the process of entering a destination a little more complicated.

In the Rx300, if i wanted to go to my "home", i would click the destination button on the console, press the home icon, click start, and the guidance would begin. But in the Rx400h, if i want to go home, i have to click the destination button on the dash, click the home icon, but then there's another prompt asking if i want to "add to destination" or "replace destination", THEN i can click start for the guidance to begin. I thought i may have been doing something wrong, but i checked on my cousins 07 Rx350, and it's the same deal. So yet again, it's another way in which technology becomes a little more complicated :(

Nighttime Illumination of center console

This is something many people probably don't even notice (or care about...) but it bothers me.

In the Rx300, the gauge cluster dials are illuminated in that shade of white, while EVERY other switch or icon in the car is illuminated light green- which i think is very classy. But in the Rx400h, it seems every panel is of a different color. The gauge cluster is white (which i love). The window switches are of a light green color along with the shifter panel icons, heated seat and headlight washer controls. The "pwr door" button on the left panel is of a darker green along with the homelink buttons, which doesn't match any other green light in the car. And you know how the silver center console is broken up into the top nav/temp section and lower radio section? Well, the radio icons and buttons of the lower portion illuminate an off-white color, while the nav and temp buttons are illuminated a very "bleached-out" green shade, like they took a white bulb and coated only half of it with green tint... It's as if the engineers of each section of the interior lighting didn't converse to make sure everything matched. IMO it shows lack of effort and quality, but heck, it's just me :)

Driver's View while backing-up

In the Rx300, you have plenty of window space behind you to look out for objects that may be behind you, but the rear window in the Rx400h gives you much, much less viewing space. Not to mention the rear side windows rake upwards which gives you less viewing space on the sides too. And yes, one may argue that the Rx400h offers the rear-view camera that pops up on the nav screen while in reverse, but honestly, it doesn't help much when parking. Yes, it may help if there's a 3ft tall person walking behind you, but it's absolutely impossible to calculate depth deception from the camera. In the camera it may seem like you have 6 ft behind you, when in reality you only have 3. I find it 100% useless when trying to parallel park...

Well that's all i can think of for now :D if anyone wants to comment or add something else, please do!! :)

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Hey guys :)

Gas Cover Open switch

On the Rx300, there was a miniature lever on the ground next to the drivers seat that would have to be pulled for the gas tank cover to be flipped open. It was very responsive. But on the Rx400h, there's this stupid electronic button that needs to be pressed for the cover to flip open. I would say 99.99% of the time, you need to press it 3 times before it opens. It's NOT very responsive. Not to mention it's located on the left lower dash panel that's parallel to the driver's line of vision, which makes it impossible to find unless you move your head down to your lap to find it. Not to mention it's not illuminated, so you need to to turn on the interior light to see it. Everything about this function sucks lol.

Try pressing and 'holding' for second. Or the system is venting pressure. If you look at your odometer display, you'll see some sort of countdown display before the door will open.

Voice Commands

Some of you may be wondering why i put this new feature in the 'cons' section of this post, but trust me, this is where it belongs.

This feature is probably one of the most useless features to have to play with in the Rx400h. Just think of the types of commands you'd want to be able to tell the car to do... maybe increase temperature? change the radio station to x, y, or z? Tell you if there are any road blocks ahead? Well, the Rx400h voice command feature doesn't do any of these. All it can do is change the radio station "up" or "down", switch between "cd changer" and "fm radio" or "go home" if your voice is something like that of a professional English teacher. Not to mention there's about a 2 second delay after you press the button, and another delay while you listen to the girl say "after the beep, please say your command"... I've played with the voice command feature in some of the Acura models, and it's superior to the Rx400h feature by a landslide. It's absolutely useless, and may even cause frustration as you listen to it say, "pardon?" after you have told it to "go home" about a thousand times...

I agree 110% - completely useless and I've tried the voice commands in an RDX...almost perfect

Engine Sound

Since the Rx400h is a hybrid, you'd think engine sounds would be quieter than the Rx330/350, right? WRONG. It's not even "just as loud"- it's louder. When you first turn the car on, you hear nothing. When you start driving, you still hear nothing, until you hit 5mph when the engine starts. The engine at idol or at low speeds with low to moderate acceleration is quiet, until you hit the accelerator. When you hit the gas pedal, the engine roars, almost like a V8 or diesel. At first it was very annoying, but you get used to it. Everyone who drives with me for the first time always asks why it's so loud...

This is caused by the CVT - a common complaint on 'most' cars with CVTs

Navigation Functionality

Yes i did mention how i like the display of the 07+ navigation screens, but i find the process of entering a destination a little more complicated.

In the Rx300, if i wanted to go to my "home", i would click the destination button on the console, press the home icon, click start, and the guidance would begin. But in the Rx400h, if i want to go home, i have to click the destination button on the dash, click the home icon, but then there's another prompt asking if i want to "add to destination" or "replace destination", THEN i can click start for the guidance to begin. I thought i may have been doing something wrong, but i checked on my cousins 07 Rx350, and it's the same deal. So yet again, it's another way in which technology becomes a little more complicated :(

Mine's an '06 - doesn't do that (I don't think - have to go check) sounds like you have a destination already in there that needs to be deleted.

Driver's View while backing-up

In the Rx300, you have plenty of window space behind you to look out for objects that may be behind you, but the rear window in the Rx400h gives you much, much less viewing space. Not to mention the rear side windows rake upwards which gives you less viewing space on the sides too. And yes, one may argue that the Rx400h offers the rear-view camera that pops up on the nav screen while in reverse, but honestly, it doesn't help much when parking. Yes, it may help if there's a 3ft tall person walking behind you, but it's absolutely impossible to calculate depth deception from the camera. In the camera it may seem like you have 6 ft behind you, when in reality you only have 3. I find it 100% useless when trying to parallel park...

I agree about the camera...most of them have lines showing where the car is headed...ours just shows the view out back. \

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Few things that irk me - (on a 2006, don't know if later years changed)

-No distance to empty calculation

-No retained accessory power (once I shut the car off, everything is off - I can't do up a window that was left down for example)

-No tire pressure monitoring

It's a very short list. Everything else about the vehicle I like. Haven't had it for a winter yet - we'll see how it does compared to the Outback I had (no denying the AWD system in the Subaru is superior). The Nokian Hakkapeliitta winters will help though.

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Now that I am out of my '08 400h and into an '06 Highlander Hybrid I can appreciate differences in both. I think the RX was a tad faster but that could be change from the 330 to the 350 output that my HH doesn't have. Now that I don't have rain sensing wipers I miss them as well as the back-up camera. The HID headlights that were steering linked are to me more of a gimmicky kinda thing and I really didn't notice much if any of a difference. I DO miss my rear power rear tailgate, and the built in bluetooth but I found a device Soundfly by Satechi that works wonderfully for this. I also miss the door locks that engage when you put the car in drive and vice versa.

One thing I don't miss at all is the glare from the dash on the RX, it was awful and prevalent in most daylight situations, at least for me and my seating position. I think overall my driving position is better in the HH than it was in the Lexus and my monthly payment is MUCH improved for a similar experience.

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Do you notice the new one turns much easier and sharper than your RX300? We had a RX300 and that was a big complaint we had on it. It made it hard to park in tight areas.

oh yes!!! The turning radius has been much improved on the Rx400h. The radius in the Rx300 was awful. It's much easier to pull into parking spaces with the 400h.

And i'd have to put the tire pressure monitoring system on the CONS list, i think it's nothing but trouble... and an extra expense when doing wheel work.

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Now here are some things i feel the Rx400h either lacks or needs improvement on compared to the Rx300.

Gas Cover Open switch

Because the emission control system needs time to work on the tank vapors before allowing you to open the cap, the switch is controlled electronically rather than manually. The time it takes varies, but once you request it to be opened, you don't need to hit the button again... you just need to wait (like for an elevator).

Moonroof Switche(s) plural for a reason

I prefer the switches for tilt and open to be separate because I don't like it as it happens with the windows that sometimes you only intended to crack it open but it goes all the way down because you didn't touch the switch just right. Having separate switches on the sunroof clairfies things for me.

Engine Sound

The engine sound is not any louder than the non-hybrid version (in fact might even be quieter), its just that on the 330/350 the transmission will shift to lower the RPM so the high RPM noise is intrerrupted until its ready to shift again. The 400 is actually runnin the engine at high RPM all the time under hard acceleration so it seems more noisy. If you drive the 330/350 hard and mannually shift the gears to keep the RPMs high, you will see (hear) what I mean.

Delay in Acceleration

Although the acceleration is very brisk in the Rx400h, there's a bit of a delay between when you hit the gas and when it takes off. Actually, it's quite noticeable. But despite the delay, as soon as it does "kick-in", your head pushes back against the headrest and you feel the power. If the delay wasn't present, it could take a good second off the 0-60 time for sure...

The delay at launch (which is what I beleive you are reffering to) is more noticable on the 400 but this can be elminiated buy using the proper launch technique as is always the case in the 0-60 times you see quoted. In my opinion the 330/350 are TOO sensitive to accelerator input at launch which makes it difficult to perform a smooth start.

The delay in accelaration while in traffic on the 400 is non-exisitant compared to a 330/350 and their sluggish automatic transimissions which alway seems to be in the wrong gear and takes an excruciatingly long time to decide what to do. By comparison the 400 CVT is snap decision ready and always at my demand.

In fact, if I really want nearly "maual transmission" like response in traffic, I can shift down into "B" for even better accelerator pedal feel.

Navigation Functionality

If you already have destination programed you will get the "add/replace" question on any system to prevent you from accidentaly erasing your previous programming. Destination programing will usually clear by itself once you reach the destination (within 300ft or so)

As for the "guide" button, you can safely ignore that one and just start driving. It will figure it out and start showing your route info as soon as you start moving.

Driver's View while backing-up

What I did soon after purchase was to find a parking lot where I could pracitce backing up using the camera and side mirrors and then get out to see how I actually did compared to how it looked on the screen and in the side mirrors. Some newer models have lines on the screen to help you but on my 2006 all I have to go on is the view of the bumper and the black scuff pad for the tailgate.

What I found was if I line up the edge of the scuff pad with the lines on the parking spot I can do a pretty good job of backing into a spot. The harder bit was judging distance becasue of the fish eye effect, but you will get used to it if you practice. Just keep your eye on the rear bumper. Helps to have a light colored car, I suppose.

By the way did you know that if you leave the mirror adjust toggle switch in either the right or left position (not in the middle) then the side mirrors will tilt down to give you a better view of the curb and parking lot lines as you back up?

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Few things that irk me - (on a 2006, don't know if later years changed)

-No retained accessory power (once I shut the car off, everything is off - I can't do up a window that was left down for example)

After you turn off the key you can still use the windows or sunroof for 30s or so. Perhaps this is a customer preference setting, but it works that way on my 2006Rx.

The trick for me is to not open the door before I turn off the key. In that event the function is not there.

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Hi cduluk,

Regarding your MPG issue, Lexus seems to be listening. The new atkinson ICE in the 450h is WAY more efficient than our old, antique 400h models ... to the tune of over 25% improved ... even though it's higher in HP. That's the drag about buying last year's model I suppose.


The up side? Well, the price ... YOU saved a boat load by not getting the 450h. In fact, the difference between the stripped 450h and the fully loaded 450h is OVER $17,000 & change. MAN! The difference in cost of accessories is more than I could sell my Gen II Prius for!


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Few things that irk me - (on a 2006, don't know if later years changed)

-No retained accessory power (once I shut the car off, everything is off - I can't do up a window that was left down for example)

After you turn off the key you can still use the windows or sunroof for 30s or so. Perhaps this is a customer preference setting, but it works that way on my 2006Rx.

The trick for me is to not open the door before I turn off the key. In that event the function is not there.

You're absolutely right - I guess I've been waiting too long. My wife's car (a GM) has retained power for 10mins, or until a door is opened.

So I guess I guess I can change my gripe to retained accessory power time is too short.

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Few things that irk me - (on a 2006, don't know if later years changed)

-No retained accessory power (once I shut the car off, everything is off - I can't do up a window that was left down for example)

After you turn off the key you can still use the windows or sunroof for 30s or so. Perhaps this is a customer preference setting, but it works that way on my 2006Rx.

The trick for me is to not open the door before I turn off the key. In that event the function is not there.

You're absolutely right - I guess I've been waiting too long. My wife's car (a GM) has retained power for 10mins, or until a door is opened.

So I guess I guess I can change my gripe to retained accessory power time is too short.

Well, I haven't sat in the car to test it, but it may stay on until you open the door...

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Hi cduluk,

Regarding your MPG issue, Lexus seems to be listening. The new atkinson ICE in the 450h is WAY more efficient than our old, antique 400h models ... to the tune of over 25% improved ... even though it's higher in HP. That's the drag about buying last year's model I suppose.


The up side? Well, the price ... YOU saved a boat load by not getting the 450h. In fact, the difference between the stripped 450h and the fully loaded 450h is OVER $17,000 & change. MAN! The difference in cost of accessories is more than I could sell my Gen II Prius for!


We payed $31,000 for the Rx400h 3 months ago lol. I got an AMAZING deal...

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I also want to add another under the cons...

The auto wipers switch- You can't tell if it's in the OFF or AUTO mode just by looking at the stalk.

If you leave the stalk in the highest position (minus the position to spray) that's "OFF" meaning the auto feature is not activated. But if you leave the stalk one position lower, that's AUTO. And below that is ON, FAST, then FASTER.

You can't tell visually if it's in the OFF or in AUTO position. And it's so easy to accidentally hit the stalk... and when you do, you have to move the stalk through the motions to find out where AUTO is... There should be a light on the dash telling you if the auto-wiper function is ON or OFF, similar to the light for AFS OFF.

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After you drive the 400h for awhile you'll get used to some of its quirkiness and then be spoiled. When you go back to the old RX 300 you'll really appreciate it. Actually, you probably didn't keep your RX 300 like we did. You'll appreciate buying a whole lot less gas and great instant power.

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