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Smashed The Back Of The Ls


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Hi KF,

It wont hurt to drive around with a sanded trunk as long as you did not break though to bare metal. If you did, prime the bare spots.

And as Alan said, Bondo will stick to Bondo. (I haven't used Bondo brand in over 20 years)


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To fill the pinholes in the Bondo you can use glazing putty. You can find it at any of your auto parts stores in the paint section. It comes in a tube and essentially is very thick red primer. It works great! BTW the repair work looks pretty darned good. Kudos for hanging in there and undertaking a major project. Having said that though continue to heed some of the advice. Best of luck!


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The trunk and 1/4 panel are finally painted. All that is left is the bumper which I will do when the weather decides to cooperate. I'll try my hardest to post pics tomorrow as well as paint the bumper. So far, and I don't foresee much more, I am only out $1493. I think All I need is one more can of clear coat which is $20. So $1513 is not bad considering the original damge.

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For $1513, not bad! But then again, it does look like you spent about $1513 on the repair.

Ya that is what I was thinking. I might be able to save up a few hundred bucks and get my body guy to get the 1/4 panel completely straight, but then I will need to repaint it. However with the color matching the way it is, I would do it if i had the money. I think if I get the color mathced by the cool little take a couple pictures of the paint and match the color thing-a-ma-bob it would match better than just using the factory paint code. I matched the bumper by way of this little tool and can't wait to see the color.

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Hey...your car looks 1000% better then it did with the back all smashed in!!! Ok,so the paint color is a bit off...and there still needs alittle more bodywork to get it to 100...but your 16 years old and on a tight budget!!! I'd say you did good and you got your car back and going... along with some lessons learned about driving and on car repair!! remember in the begining of this post when everyone said to junk the car??? well here is the results of the first phase of repair...its not perfect yet...but it will be when you get alittle more money!! you did a good job and don't listen to the people saying that you can't fix a car...EVERYTHING is repairable...it just takes time,money & pacients!! You have a love for your car that shows...Good Luck tighting it up!!!

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There is absolutely no way that this damage can be repaired cost-effectively--used parts or not.

That sucks man, I feel bad for you! I imagine you can get $1000 or so for it. At least you have your health!

killer, if your car is driveable, take it to Eveland Brothers for an estimate: http://evelandbros.com/

Eveland is probably the best in town for repairing fairly expensive cars -- we've used them too many times to repair damage caused by idiots who crashed into our cars while talking on their phones instead of paying attention to driving.

I'm going to take a wild guess at what Eveland will estimate the repair cost for your car would be -- $17,250. The rear of my 90 LS was crashed in in 1999 and it cost just over $10,000 to repair -- and the damage to it was not as bad as the damage to your car. Let me know how close I am. I suspect I am low on my estimate.

If we can somehow get you to survive to age 20 and stop competing for a "Darwin Award", I think you'll be OK: http://www.darwinawards.com/

Yep...thats a total...time to move on to something else...
I think jerry's givien you a detailed sumary of how it would go and what to expect. What not to expect is that it would ever be the same if you went ahead with repairing it. Part it out or use it as a back up for another LS of the same vintage. I know the feeling of having invested a fair amount into a ride only to have it totalled. The hurt only lasts until you get the next one. ;)
So you want him to get an estimate (which will be on the order of $20,000) just for *BLEEP*s and giggles? :P

The purpose of getting an estimate is to know the cost of repairing the car and to learn exactly what has to be done to repair the car. There is no reason to just speculate on what the repair will cost.

Sure there is--when it's blatantly obvious that the cost to repair the car is several times more than what the car is (or was) worth. This is not a 2000 Platinum like yours!

By the way killerfatty, get that thing out of your driveway. You're bringing the property values down! :D :D (Just kidding)

Buddy...you need to let this car go.

You have to think about your safety too, and getting it "to where the trunk will close" is not thinking about your safety.

NEGATIVE NAEGATIVE NEGATIVE!!! Isn't the glass always half full?? Good thing I didn't listen to you guys :P LOL A lesson in persitance and perserverance might be in order :D JK ... sorta

Thanks Randy for being encouraging

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You've spent $1600 and quite a bit of manual labor for a car that's worth about $3000 in good shape and less than $2000 in its current shape. I think you would have been better served to listen to all the naysayers, but to each their own.

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It was probably worth $1000 after your accident, before you "fixed it". The question should then be (now that you've spent $1600 in repairs to it), how much car could you get for $2600? More than you think!

Probably a never-wrecked LS400...

Personally, though, if you are happy with the repair results, I think you made a somewhat wise decision. At least reliability-wise, you have a car you can depend on and are confident about.

Then again, for the average person, I would've recommended just junking the car. Not everyone has the ability to use personal relationships to get cheap framework done.

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Then again, for the average person, I would've recommended just junking the car. Not everyone has the ability to use personal relationships to get cheap framework done.

FYI The framwork was the only thing done truly perfessionally. It took by far the greatest part of the money spent. $1k It was done by a professional body frame and strcture guy with over 30 years of experiance. It wasn't some hack in his back yard with a cheap frame machine. Was it done perfectly, no, but was it done poorly no. Just thought I'd let everyone know that.

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I thought you said you were friends with a guy with a framing machine that did it for you for a special price...?

My point was that most people would probably end up having to pay full price, which could be incredibly expensive, and completely make the entire process not cost effective. (If you had spent $3000 on frame work, would you still be saying that you don't know any car you can get that's as reliable as your LS400 for $3000?)

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i think its cool you took on a challenge.

For me though i woulda sold the car and scoured craigslist for an 93-94 for 2-3k. There are plenty decently maintained cars out there unloved... needing a new owner.

My dad and i tried out body work one time. It didnt turn out well. I thought a dented rear quarter panel looked better than our fix. I might try to paint my 90's bumpers with the rustoleum method though...

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Ok KF, don't feed into all this, your point was that you loved YOUR car and you fixed it the best you could...for now. As far as junking the car and buying another one...you could have taken the loss and bought another one...maybe better or maybe worse...that isn't what matters...what matters is that you love your car and you fixed it. Lexus' are expensive cars to own, maintain and to repair... actually that would be a great new post is to see how much everyone has invested into there LS...if you love your car and keep it for a while then you are going to continue putting money into it reguardless of repair...unless its out of your affordability...you are happy with your car and that is it...peroid.

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NEGATIVE NAEGATIVE NEGATIVE!!! Isn't the glass always half full?? Good thing I didn't listen to you guys :P LOL A lesson in persitance and perserverance might be in order :D JK ... sorta

Thanks Randy for being encouraging

I still consider my advice correct. I think what you did was foolish...and I think if you're involved in another accident...it could be very tragic.

To me it was never about money.

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