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Throttle Body/intake Cleaner Vs. Carb Cleaner


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Hi, I went to autozone to try and fix the idle problem by buying carb cleaner, but the sales rep told me that carb cleaner is only for 88 and down cars. so he went and got me this throttle body cleaner... so I clean out the throttle body with it, and now the car is worse!

it idles at start, and while driving at 100-200 rpm! like it wants to stall....

what should i do?

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Is this a joke?

Stay away from you engine compartment an find yourself a decent mechanic. This isn't your granddads tractor, or papas 72 riviera. As with most contemporary cars your performance is dictated by dozens of highly accurate sensors and that feedback through a computer to manage your engine with precision. You don't just dump kerosene, STP, or the zit cream the autozones 19 yr. old "expert " recommends, into the throttle body.

What made you think your throttle body was dirty? If it was, you have bigger problems like an air filter and blow-by My guess is you screwed up you MAP. You should of have a check engine lite with a stream of fault codes, which will tell you what your mechanic what the problem really is.


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Is this a joke?

Stay away from you engine compartment an find yourself a decent mechanic. This isn't your granddads tractor, or papas 72 riviera. As with most contemporary cars your performance is dictated by dozens of highly accurate sensors and that feedback through a computer to manage your engine with precision. You don't just dump kerosene, STP, or the zit cream the autozones 19 yr. old "expert " recommends, into the throttle body.

What made you think your throttle body was dirty? If it was, you have bigger problems like an air filter and blow-by My guess is you screwed up you MAP. You should of have a check engine lite with a stream of fault codes, which will tell you what your mechanic what the problem really is.


Wow. A little harsh aren't you. I believe that this board is for everyone. Those that want to learn, and those that want to help others. BTW EVERYONE falls into the first category.

Let's hope that someone else can speak up on the subject and help this guy out.

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5z6 dude,azureloki,

Yes in hind sight I am being harsh on azureloki, my apologies, bad mood. But having completely maintained most everything on my own cars (which always have include exotic & semi exotics), I cringed at the total lack of diagnosis and the reliance on the erroneous advice of an Autozone employee (most of whom have ever held a wrench) to come up with a solution. Before I read the outcome I said to myself "what a disaster"

So, heres some straight talk, hopefully positive. azureloki probably mucked up his MAP sensor with the swill. Remedying that problem should expose the original problem through CEL and corresponding OBCII codes. Now you are on the road to a proper diagnosis and solution. It's likely to involve some delicate sensor at fault, or it could be as simple as a plug wire. I guarantee though the solution won't involve sloshing swill down the cars gullet.

So Apologies azureloki, now what do you do? Semi-exotic automotive repair is probably not your calling. You need someone whose calling it is. preferably versed in your car to make make proper repairs. For me, the dealer is not the place to go as they are about twice the price of indie (independent) shops and if you know your car well, you realize they don't really, just dish out lots of B.S. As for an Indie shops, there around, so are Toyota shops (which your car is in japan & AU....even has a Camary engine). Take an auto-knowledgeable friend to sus out the right shop.

There, hope that's helpful. A little tough love but no other way to put it.

Regards, PK

P.S. I'm dyslexic, probably a million mistakes here, I don't pretend to be a writer, you should not play mechanic...I bet your a writer...LOL

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Here's the good news. The guy at autozone was right, and you probably didn't hurt anything at all. This car is nowhere near semi exotic (think Camry) you likely can handle this. What else? Lets see, you did not muck up your MAP sensor because this car does not have one. It does have MAF sensor that is upstream from the throttle body. You don't have plug wires either, whew safe there too. Your throttle body can be filthy and not have bigger problems like an air filter, say what? or blow by.

Ok, so it sounds like your car is not idling well and you have not thrown any codes yet. It could easily be a sensor or coil on it's way out, but you should have seen a code by now. So likely it is an issue with the IAC valve and throttle body. I would probably clean the MAF senor too just for grins since it's easy. Here are some links that will tell you what you need to do. If you have no codes my money is on the IAC valve and although it's not super easy it's not hard either, just a pain to get to. Clean the IAC, throttle body & MAF and report back, I bet the car runs great again. But if you do have any codes post them up first before doing anything else.




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Here's the good news. The guy at autozone was right, and you probably didn't hurt anything at all. This car is nowhere near semi exotic (think Camry) you likely can handle this. What else? Lets see, you did not muck up your MAP sensor because this car does not have one. It does have MAF sensor that is upstream from the throttle body. You don't have plug wires either, whew safe there too. Your throttle body can be filthy and not have bigger problems like an air filter, say what? or blow by.

Ok, so it sounds like your car is not idling well and you have not thrown any codes yet. It could easily be a sensor or coil on it's way out, but you should have seen a code by now. So likely it is an issue with the IAC valve and throttle body. I would probably clean the MAF senor too just for grins since it's easy. Here are some links that will tell you what you need to do. If you have no codes my money is on the IAC valve and although it's not super easy it's not hard either, just a pain to get to. Clean the IAC, throttle body & MAF and report back, I bet the car runs great again. But if you do have any codes post them up first before doing anything else.




Couldn't agree more! The Autozone guy, IMHO, was just trying to point out that you should NOT use carb cleaner, you should use throttle body cleaner made specifically for cars with sensors, eg A/F, O2, etc. My first thought was the IACV as well. Classic symptoms.

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I agree that cleaning a throttle body and idle air control valve after a few years of operation is usually a beneficial thing to do for the overall health and performance of your vehicle, but you must do some research on your particular vehicle first. Some vehicles have special protective coatings bonded to their throttle plates at the factory, and sometimes these coatings can be inadvertently removed by using harsh cleaning solvents that they aren't designed to handle. So do your research first and use the right products along with the right techniques. Those can vary from manufacturer to manufacturer and even from model to model....

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The last time I went to Autozone was to pick up an oil drain pan. The scholar at the checkout said "what’s this thing?" …

Yup, MAP. MAF they do pretty much the same. When I've cleaned them. it's a pretty delicate job to treat (sensor) like a jewel and treat it with CRC spray. It's, 50/50. Ya done better? lets here all here about it ...oohh...oops ok.

Is the car "semi exotic"? as I stated, it's a "Toyota in Japan and AU" I also said it's a Camery motor.

Not an exotic? Read about the’90 Ferrari Variocam, then the Porsche GT’s ‘90’s Variocam, then, the Lexus/Camery…Variocam. The sophistication of a modern motors is…semi exotic. Want to argue, get you facts from the new Autozone Book, build your car and lets race!

Regards. PK

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Here's the good news. The guy at autozone was right, and you probably didn't hurt anything at all. This car is nowhere near semi exotic (think Camry) you likely can handle this. What else? Lets see, you did not muck up your MAP sensor because this car does not have one. It does have MAF sensor that is upstream from the throttle body. You don't have plug wires either, whew safe there too. Your throttle body can be filthy and not have bigger problems like an air filter, say what? or blow by.

Ok, so it sounds like your car is not idling well and you have not thrown any codes yet. It could easily be a sensor or coil on it's way out, but you should have seen a code by now. So likely it is an issue with the IAC valve and throttle body. I would probably clean the MAF senor too just for grins since it's easy. Here are some links that will tell you what you need to do. If you have no codes my money is on the IAC valve and although it's not super easy it's not hard either, just a pain to get to. Clean the IAC, throttle body & MAF and report back, I bet the car runs great again. But if you do have any codes post them up first before doing anything else.




Great post carguy07, with accurate helpful facts. I think we can all learn a little, from a post like this, on how to be helpful to a new member trying to get help with his first post. Lets hope he came back to read your post. If he did, he most likely will have a success story to post.

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Yea, I really hope the original poster comes back and gives the tried and true fixes a shot. It p!sses me off to no end when a douche bag who clearly has a limited knowledge of repair/maintenance comes on the forums and runs his mouth. It's funny because you want to smack them on the back of the head and school them. But it's sort of the The Emperor's New Clothes thing. If they can't see it now, there is nothing that you can say to change them. :rolleyes:

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knowledge of repair/maintenance comes on the forums and runs his mouth. e The Emperor's New Clothes thing. If they can't see it now, there is nothing that you can say to change them. :rolleyes:

Settle, settle…Now, you really know me eh? (hey see pics below!!)

A few facts might be in order. I am not coming off half cocked with "limited knowledge”. I rebuilt my first engines at 14 (''60s Corvairs, flat 6's) and maintained those heaps and 5 others for another 3 years. I financed my education at SDSU &CSULB in part at by buying distressed cars, dialed them in and sold them. By the time I was 25 I had had about 25 cars. About half of those had catastrophic engine & trans. failures.

All off the engine failures were in the more exotic cars, (Only way I could afford them and I sure wanted to drive them then make a buck. My rebuilts & build ups incluse 4 or 5 Porsche motors, and about 5 BMW's. I'm probably most proud of the rebuild I did (complete engine build and trans repair) of Porsche's then flagship, the 4.5L V8 powered. 928-S. Quite exotic for the time. Supposedly gave Ferraris and the like a run for there money


Pretty much gave up fiddling with cars unless something really interesting comes along.. I did supercharge my current Porsche last year ( what a pain but worth every busted knuckle). Now I’m currently hot-rodding my ‘35 Chrysler flathead. that belongs to my 1935 Chris Craft ‘35

BTW. I am not a professional gear head (no offense to any). I'm actually a designer. Ironically my first gig while still in school was designing for Toyota the "cookie cutter" for showrooms for a secret new car coming out called a... Lexus. We built scores of full size mockups in a huge building next Toyota USA up in Torrance. Oddly my dealer dosn't really look like that cookie cutter.



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knowledge of repair/maintenance comes on the forums and runs his mouth. e The Emperor's New Clothes thing. If they can't see it now, there is nothing that you can say to change them. :rolleyes:

Settle, settle…Now, you really know me eh? (hey see pics below!!)

A few facts might be in order. I am not coming off half cocked with "limited knowledge”. I rebuilt my first engines at 14 (''60s Corvairs, flat 6's) and maintained those heaps and 5 others for another 3 years. I financed my education at SDSU &CSULB in part at by buying distressed cars, dialed them in and sold them. By the time I was 25 I had had about 25 cars. About half of those had catastrophic engine & trans. failures.

All off the engine failures were in the more exotic cars, (Only way I could afford them and I sure wanted to drive them then make a buck. My rebuilts & build ups incluse 4 or 5 Porsche motors, and about 5 BMW's. I'm probably most proud of the rebuild I did (complete engine build and trans repair) of Porsche's then flagship, the 4.5L V8 powered. 928-S. Quite exotic for the time. Supposedly gave Ferraris and the like a run for there money


Pretty much gave up fiddling with cars unless something really interesting comes along.. I did supercharge my current Porsche last year ( what a pain but worth every busted knuckle). Now I’m currently hot-rodding my ‘35 Chrysler flathead. that belongs to my 1935 Chris Craft ‘35

BTW. I am not a professional gear head (no offense to any). I'm actually a designer. Ironically my first gig while still in school was designing for Toyota the "cookie cutter" for showrooms for a secret new car coming out called a... Lexus. We built scores of full size mockups in a huge building next Toyota USA up in Torrance. Oddly my dealer dosn't really look like that cookie cutter.

You are quite accomplished! I always enjoy it when someone justifies their ego and arrogance.

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If the poster before me didn't call me a "deuch Bag"with "no knowledge of repair and maintanacne" "and "an emporer with no clothes" , I wouldn't have said a word. But if I was overzealous in the face of the my pals(in his own words)"running of at the mouth". call me "arrogant", make yourself at home.

BTW:I suck at baseball, foot ball...have dyslexia, can't spell, almost flunked out high school. total scatter brain, 20 yrs. religiously surfing everyday and never got past "competent" ...etc.

Make way for my BIG ego.

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If the poster before me didn't call me a "deuch Bag"with "no knowledge of repair and maintanacne" "and "an emporer with no clothes" , I wouldn't have said a word. But if I was overzealous in the face of the my pals(in his own words)"running of at the mouth". call me "arrogant", make yourself at home.

BTW:I suck at baseball, foot ball...have dyslexia, can't spell, almost flunked out high school. total scatter brain, 20 yrs. religiously surfing everyday and never got past "competent" ...etc.

Make way for my BIG ego.

If you read between the lines on my post just before his you may come up with the same conculsion.

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Look, I belong to 10 or more forums. Most relating to vehicles but not necessarily in direct ways. I get subscription and synopsis of most every morning.. I try to whip through them, pipe in where I think I can contribute or give a laugh. I try to pick my syntax with care. Some times I don’t. I get numb with the volume.

LOL! Ask a dyslexic if he has “read between the lines”?. Got any other handicap gags?

But actually I did. A slightly effusive pat on the back for the previous posters partial recompense for my rudeness.; I agree, with you, it was very well written and researched. Between the lines? what I read was sort of“this is how Johnny ties his shoes, why can’t you. I’m O.K with that..

Never got a chance to respond,. D.B pops in right away and isn’t quite so polite spewing his bilious, vulgarities and insulting my skills and capabilities, calling me a poser etc. I try to explain my skills and experience in contrast to DB’s blind assessment…and you call me an “arrogant” egomaniac. What does that have to do with your brief post?

The I say it may have of that way, in fact I suck at this that and the other thing (and that was the short list..

So back to my question, did I have no right and reason to rebut DB’s statements? (Cause there obviously not true)

For trying to set thing straight, do I really have to be called and arrogant egotistical?

When I make amends for any arrogance do I not deserve a reply?

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Look, I belong to 10 or more forums. Most relating to vehicles but not necessarily in direct ways. I get subscription and synopsis of most every morning.. I try to whip through them, pipe in where I think I can contribute or give a laugh. I try to pick my syntax with care. Some times I don’t. I get numb with the volume.

LOL! Ask a dyslexic if he has “read between the lines”?. Got any other handicap gags?

But actually I did. A slightly effusive pat on the back for the previous posters partial recompense for my rudeness.; I agree, with you, it was very well written and researched. Between the lines? what I read was sort of“this is how Johnny ties his shoes, why can’t you. I’m O.K with that..

Never got a chance to respond,. D.B pops in right away and isn’t quite so polite spewing his bilious, vulgarities and insulting my skills and capabilities, calling me a poser etc. I try to explain my skills and experience in contrast to DB’s blind assessment…and you call me an “arrogant” egomaniac. What does that have to do with your brief post?

The I say it may have of that way, in fact I suck at this that and the other thing (and that was the short list..

So back to my question, did I have no right and reason to rebut DB’s statements? (Cause there obviously not true)

For trying to set thing straight, do I really have to be called and arrogant egotistical?

When I make amends for any arrogance do I not deserve a reply?

Since you asking for advice on what to do, I'll offer some. Stop digging and let this thing go. Please.

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Funny how a simple question gets so personal, Anyway, Back on topic, I only use throttle body cleaner when I clean my TB. I also remove the TB and brush it out so it looks like new again. Mods should lock this thread as the answers here have been satisfied.

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