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Nav ......setting Time Of Day

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Is it possible to set the time of day, not the time zone ? When I set up a destination, and the screen shows the time of arrival, it bears no relationship. Thanks very much in advance.

Greg in Vancouver

Check the DST setting. DST will throw your time of arrival off by an hour if not set correctly.

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The NAV in my '09 ES counts down the time remaining in hours/minutes and does not display a time to arrive.

If you touch the box where it shows you how much time it will take, it will give you an option to change it to estimated time of arrival (and vice-versa). However, if you are a faster driver, that time will be way off because it is assuming you will be driving 55 on the highway and 35 on surface streets. I have changed the "speed" to the max allowable and now the times are much more accurate (especially on highway). Take into account what your average speed will be, if you drive 75 or faster on the highway, set it to that (which is the max or maybe 70, I believe). Same for surface streets, take into account traffic, red lights, etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Greg, now I see what you mean.

I touched the time remaining and it changed to my arrival time. It was one hour early. It gives you the option to change the time zone, which I have on PST, but I don't understand how that relates to the arrival time. If it goes by the clock on the dash, it should be accurate, but there must be some other undisplayed clock somewhere that we don't see.

Also, I don't understand why the car wasn't designed to have the clock display to set automattically. All my other cars with NAV automatically set the time of day. Why the ES has those cheap tiny buttons to adjust the time, I don't understand.

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