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OKAY. Engine cranks fine and sounded like it wanted to start up for a long time but now there is nothing but cranking. cranking - cranking- cranking- nothing. Pushing gas to floor and holding - cranking . nothing. pumping it... cranking nothing. Whats going on? We checked all of the chip fuses, maybe relays melted, i dotn know... I was idling... and then the car died.. and i had to roll it. what is up with my baby lexus?


If you read this, at least post something like.. sucks to be you, because im tired of views and no posts.

OK, how about, you're car is almost 16 years old, and that's like 200 human years old. Time for a new one buddy.

If you read this, at least post something like.. sucks to be you, because im tired of views and no posts.

OK, how about, you're car is almost 16 years old, and that's like 200 human years old. Time for a new one buddy.

someone wrote this on another site to my posting ...

[it sounds like you are on the right track. If it started up fine the next day, I think your relay is fine. Change your filter (because its easy) and if that doesn't work, it is most likely the fuel pump. It will be electric on a car that age and they do go out from time to time. The car is 16 years old and is probably just its time to go.]

What do you feel about that? [anybody]


You need 3 things for the motor to run. Air, fuel, and spark. I would try to isolate which one you don't have first. So after trying to start it far a minute, pull a few plugs out and look at it. It should be soaked in fuel if your geting fuel, but no spark. And it should be clean and dry if it's not. Once you figure out which one it is, then we can move on from there. I'm going to jump out and say i think your fuel pump is out.

You need 3 things for the motor to run. Air, fuel, and spark. I would try to isolate which one you don't have first. So after trying to start it far a minute, pull a few plugs out and look at it. It should be soaked in fuel if your geting fuel, but no spark. And it should be clean and dry if it's not. Once you figure out which one it is, then we can move on from there. I'm going to jump out and say i think your fuel pump is out.

Im going to agree with smooth. but give 'er a look. dont just sit here and wait for answers that may never come. Some people on this board dont have mechanical experience, and rather than screw you up they would just not rather post.

Your car is beautiful (if the one in your avatar is yours) dont give up on it!

Go pull a few plugs and tell us if there is fuel on them. if so, you have a bad distrubutor or coil (i think its distibutor on the 1jz.)

EDIT: Holy *BLEEP*!! You are in Auburn!? My wife was born there. Im stationed up at fort drum. If you can get her up here (or wil pay for my gas) I'll come down there and take a look for you! Im only about an hr away.


Hi i had the same problem with my 1998 gs300 125k miles. Turned out to be the crank position sensor, look into that. If that does not fix it, then it maybe the ECU (main computer) or Immoblizer, they may not be communicating with each other.

OKAY. Engine cranks fine and sounded like it wanted to start up for a long time but now there is nothing but cranking. cranking - cranking- cranking- nothing. Pushing gas to floor and holding - cranking . nothing. pumping it... cranking nothing. Whats going on? We checked all of the chip fuses, maybe relays melted, i dotn know... I was idling... and then the car died.. and i had to roll it. what is up with my baby lexus?


sounds like your fuel pump have it checked..


How do i check it if the car is running fine now. My father says to check the fuel pressure at the injectors. What do you think about starting there. And yes, the avatar is baby lexus.


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