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New Cleaning Tool


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I have tried several methods to clean the Tan Leather Interior of my SC400. None seem to make much difference. I've even soaked it with leather cleaner and used my finger nails to work the leather, still no results.

Then I was at my local WalMart and saw the NEW Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. This thing has done wonders in cleaning, not only the leather interior, but the dash, door panels, door jams, etc..

It is wonderful! I used it to clean all the build up in the door jams, under the hood, edge of the trunk.

It does not last very long, it took two sponges for just the front seats. But, do not bear down too hard or you will remove the dye from the leather.

You use no detergents, only a bucket of clean warm water to keep rinsing from.

Give it a try and let me know what you think!

It will clean just about any stubborn hard surface you can think of! It's almost like a superfine abrasive contouring sponge.


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Sounds great, I should go and check that out tonight, and give it a whirl tomorrow. Almost time to put the SC up for the winter and tear into her. So, if this works well, it will make cleaning under the hood easy. Plus I need to clean and condition the leather before winter so it doesn't die sitting there.

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