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Gore's Home Still Guzzling Energy


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I looks like Mr Gore has botten worst not better

Gore's Home Still Guzzling Energy

Tuesday, June 17, 2008 10:48 PM

In the year since Al Gore took steps to make his home more energy-efficient, the former vice president’s home energy use surged more than 10 percent, according to the Tennessee Center for Policy Research.

“A man’s commitment to his beliefs is best measured by what he does behind the closed doors of his own home,” said Drew Johnson, President of the Tennessee Center for Policy Research. “Al Gore is a hypocrite and a fraud when it comes to his commitment to the environment, judging by his home energy consumption.”

In the past year, Gore’s home burned through 213,210 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity, enough to power 232 average American households for a month.

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Hahaha....what a politician...aka...double talker.

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It's not like his "home" is a small apartment or even a regular sized home. He has a large estate that needs more energy to run than the "average" home.

It's not like he's leaving the lights on when he leaves the house or something. I'm sure he is a responsible steward for the energy he uses.

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It's not like his "home" is a small apartment or even a regular sized home. He has a large estate that needs more energy to run than the "average" home.

It's not like he's leaving the lights on when he leaves the house or something. I'm sure he is a responsible steward for the energy he uses.

He is less responsible than President Bush


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HOUSE # 1:

A 20-room mansion (not including 8 bathrooms) heated by natural gas.

Add on a pool (and a pool house) and a separate guest house all heated

by gas. In ONE MONTH ALONE this mansion consumes more energy than the

average American household in an ENTIRE YEAR. The average bill for

electricity and natural gas runs over $2,400.00 per month. In natural

gas alone (which last time we checked was a fossil fuel), this property

consumes more than 20 times the national average for an American home.

This house is not in a northern or Midwestern "snow belt," either. It's

in the South.

HOUSE # 2:

Designed by an architecture professor at a leading national university,

this house incorporates every "green" feature current home construction

can provide. The house contains only 4,000 square feet (4 bedrooms) and

is nestled on arid high prairie in the American southwest. A central

closet in the house holds geothermal heat pumps drawing ground water

through pipes sunk 300 feet into the ground. The water (usually 67

degrees F.) heats the house in winter and cools it in summer. The

system uses no fossil fuels such as oil or natural gas, and it consumes

25% of the electricity required for a conventional heating/cooling

system. Rainwater from the roof is collected and funneled into a 25,000

gallon underground cistern. Wastewater from showers, sinks and toilets

goes into underground purifying tanks and then into the cistern. The

collected water then irrigates the land surrounding the house. Flowers

and shrubs native to the are! a blend the property into the surrounding

rural landscape.













HOUSE # 1 (20 room energy guzzling mansion) is outside of

Nashville,Tennessee. It is the abode of that renowned environmentalist

(and filmmaker) Al Gore.

HOUSE # 2 (model eco-friendly house) is on a ranch near Crawford,

Texas. Also known as "the Texas White House," it is the private

residence of the President of the United States, George W. Bush.

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Its not a fair analogy, you have to compare it to similar properties and their consumption. Its a large house with state of the art security that draws a lot of power. He lives there 365 days a year, Bush lives in the White House free of charge.

Your discriptions of the two houses is laughably biased too.

You also have to figure out what he pays in carbon credits to offset his usage (which he does and I bet Bush does not).

Al Gore is the best thing to happen to the environmentalist movement ever. Who cares if his house uses some power.

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Its not a fair analogy, you have to compare it to similar properties and their consumption. Its a large house with state of the art security that draws a lot of power. He lives there 365 days a year, Bush lives in the White House free of charge.

Your discriptions of the two houses is laughably biased too.

You also have to figure out what he pays in carbon credits to offset his usage (which he does and I bet Bush does not).

Al Gore is the best thing to happen to the environmentalist movement ever. Who cares if his house uses some power.

Are you aware that he owns the company that sells the carbon credits? The whole carbon credit thing sounds like a scam to me. He uses a lot of energy and buys carbon credits from his own company essentially buying them from himself. Now he takes his money and anyone else's money that bought carbon credits and uses the money to consume more energy, for which he buys more credits, and on and on.

I believe the climate is changing, but it has been changing before man walked this Earth. The Sun's normal rising and falling in energy output is probably the main reason for the planets warming otherwise how can anyone account for global warming on other planets. I am old enough to remember scientist’s warnings and predictions of a new ice age about 30 or 40n years ago so I tend to be skeptical of people that are unable to accurately predict next weeks weather yet claim they can predict the Earth’s weather 20 years from now.

I believe that we should protect the environment and not squander our resources, but not because of climate change issues. Our country can not remain strong if all our wealth is sent overseas to buy oil, and we can’t remain healthy with polluted air and water. We should all do our part to keep this planet strong and clean but I have a low opinion of people that believe they are entitled to live by a different rules then us the “LITTLE PEOPLE”.

If you are going to talk the talk you had better walk the walk. If you are going to use someone as an example of an environmentalist Sir Paul has been active in the movement longer than Mr. Gore and he lives the lifestyle leading by example.

I can name a lot of people that are more wealthy than Mr Gore that don’t live the energy consuming life style he does. Warren Buffett has the wealth to build an estate mush more lavish than Gore but he lives a far less lavish life style.

This is pure speculation on my part but I feel that Mr. Gore’s motivation for promoting the “Green movement” was done to enrich his bank account.

I am also skeptical of scientists that spout the party mantra regarding climate change. They receive government grants to do their studies and are well aware that the flow of government money will dry up if they don’t agree with the people that are believers in Climate change.

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Al Gore is the best thing to happen to the environmentalist movement ever.

I certainly agree with that! He's been very successful at bringing the topic to the front pages, and keeping it there. Something that has been tried for decades, with minimal results.

Just to clarify: my comment earlier wasn't directed straight at Gore, but to politics in general. A whole lot of "do as I say, not as I do" these days.

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Al Gore defends his extraordinary personal energy usage by telling critics he maintains a "carbon neutral" lifestyle by buying "carbon offsets," but the company that receives his payments turns out to be partly owned and chaired by the former vice president himself.

Gore has built a "green money-making machine capable of eventually generating billions of dollars for investors, including himself, but he set it up so that the average Joe can't afford to play on Gore's terms," writes blogger Dan Riehl.

Gore has described the lifestyle he and his wife Tipper live as "carbon neutral," meaning he tries to offset any energy usage, including plane flights and car trips, by "purchasing verifiable reductions in CO2 elsewhere."

But it turns out he pays for his extra-large carbon footprint through Generation Investment Management, a London-based company with offices in Washington, D.C., for which he serves as chairman. The company was established to take financial advantage of new technologies and solutions related to combating "global warming," reports blogger Bill Hobbs.

Generation Investment Management's U.S. branch is headed by a former Gore staffer and fund-raiser, Peter S. Knight, who once was the target of probes by the Federal Election Commission and the Department of Justice.

Hobbs points out Gore stands to make a lot of money from his promotion of the alleged "global warming" threat, which is disputed by many mainstream scientists.

"In other words, he 'buys' his 'carbon offsets' from himself, through a transaction designed to boost his own investments and return a profit to himself," Hobbs writes. "To be blunt, Gore doesn't buy 'carbon offsets' through Generation Investment Management – he buys stocks."

As WND reported, Gore, whose film warning of a coming cataclysm due to man-made "global warming" won two Oscars, has a mansion in the posh Belle Meade area of Nashville that consumes more electricity every month than the average American household uses in an entire year, according to the Tennessee Center for Policy Research, citing data from the Nashville Electric Service.

The think tanks says since the release of Gore's film, the former presidential candidate's energy consumption has increased from an average of 16,200 kilowatt-hours per month in 2005, to 18,400 per month in 2006.

Here is the link to the article posted below reguarding the scam know as carbon credits

Maurice Strong, Al Gore

Creators of carbon credit scheme cashing in on it

By Judi McLeod

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

There's an elephant in global warming's living room that few in the mainstream media want to talk about: the creators of the carbon credit scheme are the ones cashing in on it.

The two cherub like choirboys singing loudest in the Holier Than Thou Global Warming Cathedral are Maurice Strong and Al Gore.

This duo has done more than anyone else to advance the alarmism of man-made global warming.

With little media monitoring, both Strong and Gore are cashing in on the lucrative cottage industry known as man-made global warming.

Strong is on the board of directors of the Chicago Climate Exchange, Wikipedia-described as "the world's first and North America's only legally binding greenhouse gas emission registry reduction system for emission sources and offset projects in North America and Brazil."

Gore buys his carbon off-sets from himself--the Generation Investment Management LLP, "an independent, private, owner-managed partnership established in 2004 with offices in London and Washington, D.C." of which he is both chairman and founding partner.

To hear the saving-the-earth singsong of this dynamic duo, even the feather light petals of cherry blossoms in Washington leave a bigger carbon footprint.

It's a strange global warming partnership that Strong and Gore have, but it's one that's working.

Strong is the silent partner, a man whose name often draws a blank in the Washington cocktail circuit. Even though a former Secretary General of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (the much hyped Rio Earth Summit) and Under-Secretary General of the United Nations in the days of a beleaguered Kofi Annan, the Canadian born Strong is little known in the Unites States. That's because he spends most of his time in China where he works to make the communist country the world's next superpower. The nondescript Strong, nonetheless is big cheese in the world of climate change, and is one of the main architects of the coming-your-way-soon Kyoto Protocol.

Gore is the glitzy, media approved front man in the partnership, the flashing neon lights on the global stage warning the masses of the end of Earth, as we know it, and Hollywood's poster boy for greening the silver screen.

The skeptics of man-made global warming believe that Gore and Strong have made climate change "the new religion". Climate change is not the first religion both parties have tried to make stick. Along with former Soviet Union leader Mikhail Gorbachev, Strong, currently president of the Earth Council, has been boasting of replacing the Ten Commandments with the Earth Charter, a golden rule guide for how the masses should treat the environment.

Gore, who has given sermons at the United Nations sponsored Cathedral of St. John the Divine Church in New York City, is a promoter of the religion known as Gaia.

The two environmental gurus also share a belief in radical Malthusian population reduction. According to them, too many people, particularly in the U.S. are polluting the planet, emitting excessive Freon through their refrigerators and jacking up the air conditioning.

But the conduct of Al Gore and Maurice Strong in the capitalist world is one for the books. It's a side of them that may have remained unknown had it not been for the investigative talent of the Executive Intelligence Review (EIR).

The tawdry tale of the top two global warming gurus in the business world goes all the way back to Earth Day, April 17, 1995 when the future author of An Inconvenient Truth traveled to Fall River, Massachusetts, to deliver a green sermon at the headquarters of Molten Metal Technology Inc. (MMTI). MMTI was a firm that proclaimed to have invented a process for recycling metals from waste.Gore praised the Molten Metal firm as a pioneer in the kind of innovative technology that can save the environment, and make money for investors at the same time.

"Gore left a few facts out of his speech that day. First, the firm was run by Strong and a group of Gore intimates, including Peter Knight, the firm's registered lobbyist, and Gore's former top Senate aide," wrote EIR.

"Second, the company had received more than $25 million in U.S. Department of energy (DOE) research and development grants, but had failed to prove that the technology worked on a commercial scale. The company would go on to receive another $8 million in federal taxpayers' cash, at that point, its only source of revenue.

"With Al Gore's Earth Day as a Wall Street calling card, Molten Metal's stock value soared to $35 a share, a range it maintained through October 1996. But along the way, DOE scientists had balked at further funding. When, in March 1996, corporate officers concluded that the federal cash cow was about to run dry, they took action: Between that date and October 1996, seven corporate officers--including Maurice Strong--sold off $15.3 million in personal shares in the company, at top market value. On Oct. 20, 1996--a Sunday--the company issued a press release, announcing for the first time, that DOE funding would be vastly scaled back, and reported the bad news on a conference call with stockbrokers.

"On Monday, the stock plunged by 49%, soon landing at $5 a share.By early 1997, furious stockholders had filed a class action suit against the company and its directors. Ironically, one of the class action lawyers had tangled with Maurice Strong in another insider trading case, involving a Swiss company called AZL Resources, chaired by Strong, who was also a lead shareholder. The AZL case closely mirrored Molten Metal, and in the end, Strong and the other AZL partners agreed to pay $5 million to dodge a jury verdict, when eyewitness evidence surfaced of Strong's role in scamming the value of the company stock up into the stratosphere, before selling it off.

In 1997, Strong went on to accept from Tongsun Park, the Korean man found guilty of illegally acting as an Iraqi agent, $1 million from Saddam Hussein, which was invested in Cordex Petroleum Inc., a company he owned with his son, Fred.

In that year, Gore, still U.S. vice president, was making news for "taking the initiative in creating the Internet."

The leaders of the man-made global warming movement, you might say, get around.

Meanwhile Jumbo's still in global warming's living room, but the duo with the tiniest carbon footprints on earth continue to just tiptoe past him.

Canada Free Press founding editor Judi McLeod is an award-winning journalist with 30 years experience in the print media. Her work has appeared on Newsmax.com, Drudge Report, Foxnews.com, Glenn Beck and The Rant. Judi can be reached at: judi@canadafreepress.com

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For the record I believe in energy conservation, I have just leased my second Hybrid and I have been living a lifestyle that isn't wasteful my whole life because I grew up poor and now that I have saved a few dollars from being thrifty i still continue to keep my old habits.

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Well, you obviously have your mind made up on the subject so I'm not going to argue with you. You can't argue with someone who refuses to believe that anyone on the other side disagrees with them without ulterior motives.

All I have to say is that I'm not an environmentalist by any means, or an Al Gore fan, but if you don't believe the tons of noxious gasses we release into the atmosphere by doing things that we don't do as natural creatures on the earth is going to have some sort of effect on the climate of the planet, I think you need to take earth science 101.

In terms of Al Gore, he's been an environmentalist his whole life, and has done that presentation for many years before he filmed that movie. He may have made some money off of it (is making money a crime? You look pretty well off. It is possible to make money AND do good at the same time) but he's believed in it his entire life.

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As far as I'M concerned global warming is the biggest scam ever created.

If you can take the almost 8min out of your life to watch this, PLEASE every do. He makes some VERY good points.

George Carlin on the environment. (some expletives)


John Coleman ~1:30


Just some random video ~5:00


All in all believe what you want. THAT is the freedom given to you by our forefathers who founded this country on traditions and institutions hardly seen today. Please just be educated and aware of what, and who you are choosing to believe.

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Well, you obviously have your mind made up on the subject so I'm not going to argue with you. You can't argue with someone who refuses to believe that anyone on the other side disagrees with them without ulterior motives.

All I have to say is that I'm not an environmentalist by any means, or an Al Gore fan, but if you don't believe the tons of noxious gasses we release into the atmosphere by doing things that we don't do as natural creatures on the earth is going to have some sort of effect on the climate of the planet, I think you need to take earth science 101.

In terms of Al Gore, he's been an environmentalist his whole life, and has done that presentation for many years before he filmed that movie. He may have made some money off of it (is making money a crime? You look pretty well off. It is possible to make money AND do good at the same time) but he's believed in it his entire life.

I guess that could be said about both of us, but I respect your opinion even though it is wrong [the last part was a joke]. But reguardless of the cause of what was once called global warming and now called climate change I feel that everyone should do their part to keep that air clean and reduce pollution. The problem I have is it isn't always done in a way that take in to account cost benefit ratio. There are ways to improve things without spending huge sums of money but unfortunately some people feel the way to solve a problem is to throw huge sums of money at it instead of taking time to think of what will be gained by per dollar spent

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Dozens of eyewitness reports indicated that former vice president Al Gore deliberately attempted to raise the earth's temperature in order to boost box office receipts for An Inconvenient Truth, his documentary film about global warming that was released in May.



Former vice president Al Gore takes a flamethrower to the Ross Ice Shelf in Antarctica to boost weekend ticket sales for An Inconvenient Truth.

"We have accounts from concerned citizens that Mr. Gore purchased a Cadillac Escalade SUV several months before [his film] opened in theaters," said Kimberly Blume, spokeswoman for the California-based environmental group Friends Of The Earth. "Not only did Mr. Gore use his new gas-guzzler to make short trips to the grocery store, he also left the vehicle running 24 hours a day in the driveway of his Tennessee home with the air-conditioning on full-blast."

In the weeks following the film's release, witnesses reported additional sightings of Gore engaging in activities such as discharging can after can of 1980s-era, CFC-laden aerosol into the air, and single-handedly clear-cutting over 6,000 acres of Amazon rain forest.

Gore is also rumored to have set a four-acre tire fire outside Akron, OH, and ordered his Secret Service detail to shoot on sight anyone who attempts to put it out.

"It's sad to see a man we thought was a passionate defender of the environment despoiling it for his own monetary gain," Blume said.

Blume said that she and many environmentalists had momentarily expressed relief in late November when Gore appeared to cease his months-long practice of dismantling old refrigerators in order to release ozone-destroying freon into the atmosphere. Blume soon learned, however, that Gore had resumed the activity in Antarctica, where the earth's ozone layer is most fragile.

Environmental groups have called for the federal government to step in and put a stop to Gore's actions, but officials say they do not have the power to stop him.

"There is no legal recourse anyone can take against the former vice president," Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Stephen L. Johnson said. "Mr. Gore is well within the emissions standards set by the current administration."

By year's end, Gore failed to slow his assault on the planet's delicately balanced climate systems. Satellite surveillance revealed what many believe to be a snowshoed Gore jumping up and down on an ice shelf in Greenland, chainsawing glaciers in the Alaskan wild, and urinating in the Gulf Stream waters off the coast of Newfoundland.



"Gore Wins Oscar, Nobel Peace Prize For Slide-Show"


God, I love the Onion :D

If you want the truth, just google " The Great Global Warming Swindle .wmv" (which was removed from googlevideo, and iarchives, and most other places (censorship?). It can still be downloaded at a few places. Rainy ones mostly. ;)

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New Alternative-Fuel SUV Will Deplete World's Hydrogen By 2070

DETROIT—Ford announced a Sept. 3 rollout date for its new Ford Foresight, a hydrogen-powered SUV that, if it reaches sales projections, will deplete the earth's supply of hydrogen by 2070. "America has asked for a car that does not use fossil fuels, and we've delivered," Ford CEO William Ford Jr. said Monday. "With an engine nearly 20 times as powerful as that of our gas-burning SUV, the 11-ton Foresight will be unaffected by the price-gouging whims of OPEC, as it uses water electrolysis to gather fuel from the oceans and the fresh mountain air." Ford acknowledged that, when hydrogen supplies are depleted, the usefulness of the Foresight, as well as life on earth as we know it, will end.

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I guess that could be said about both of us, but I respect your opinion even though it is wrong [the last part was a joke]


If you can take the almost 8min out of your life to watch this, PLEASE every do. He makes some VERY good points.

George Carline on the environment. (some expletives)


Last time I checked George Carlin was not a scientist. I love George Carlin (may he rest in peace), but this is comedy not a scientific viewpoint and has no basis in this argument.

So you know, John Coleman does not have any training or education in the science of weather, climate, or science of any kind. John Coleman is a weathercaster (meaning he reads what real meteorologists put out on the air, he is an on air personality, a talking head) and a businessman (he has an MBA). he founded the Weather Channel as a business. He doesn't have any relevance on the subject. Even if he did, he's but one viewpoint. There are many, many, many meteorologists and climatologists that believe climate change is happening.

Now he's "the goofy weatherman" on a local San Diego station who doesn't believe in barometric pressure. He's a yahoo looking for attention.

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Al Gore is a scientist?

Did you watch his movie? My guess is no.

All he does is take the science as provided by scientists and put a face on it. Admittedly thats what he does, he doesn't pretend to be a scientist only a spokesperson.

John Coleman makes statements and uses only himself to back them up.

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I watched the movie but refused to pay so I waited till it came on HBO/Showtime. You do have a valid point about Mr Gore but he does choose to quote only the scientists that agree with him, and many of them get their funding through government grants.

It is somewhat like the situation a few decades ago where scientists were proving there was no link to smoking and cancer. Unfortunately all the scientist's funding was provided by tobacco money.

You have to do more that read the results of a study, you have to consider where the funding for the study came from

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Well of course, and those who believe global warming does not exist only quote scientists that believe as they believe.

I can turn your argument about where the funding comes from around too. Where does the funding come from for the scientists that don't believe global warming exists? I bet it comes from sources that would suffer from tightening of fuel and emissions regulations.

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There is no way to deny that everyone in the G/W debate has their own agenda. I get Upset with MR Gore, but I also get more up set with Mr Rush Limbaugh for distorting the truth. When people on both sides of the argument refuse to acknowledge valid arguments by the opposing side they only make their position look weak. I think the truth lies somewhere in between Mr Gore and Mr Limbaugh's position

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In my opinion, Al Gore needs to really push his platform in the developing counties, especially China! My GWAD, have you seen pictures of Beijing at rush hour? You can barely see across the street! That can't be good. The US might be the "consumers", but I'd have to say in comparison to the other big boys, we're actually pretty responsible with how we use treat emissions. Granted, we can do better, much better, but at least we have catalytic converters, emission controls on cold cars to rev up higher to warm up quicker, egr valves, etc... I'm not sure what we do with the coal burning facilities though, but I'd be hard pressed to think we use the exact same technique as China, Russia, India, etc..

Eitherway, with the world's population ever growing, the answer in my opinion lays with technology only, not reduction of consumption. I just don't think it's possible anymore. I think we've passed the point of no return when we parked the horse & buggie in the Smithsonian. I also think that the first person who invents the piece of equipment that can add some level of hybrid technology to the existing fleet of cars, will make Bill Gates look like the poor kid in town. If anything, some sort of electonic gadget that can seemlessly shut the car off at the light and turn it back on when you're ready to go, kind of like putting it into "sleep" mode. I find on my 4runner I use up far more gas just puttering through the lights, then I do at 80mph+ on the highway. With cars being so electronic now, I don't see this as an impossible task. Or, what about just shutting down all cylinders but 1 when at the light, then instantly putting the fuel back to all 4/6/8/12 when you push the gas?

Furthermore, I think more technology could be applied to mufflers and cats.

But, I honestly don't think the whole Global Warming issue is fake. We've all seen that beat-up work truck/van/car sitting at the light, slowly puffing black smoke from a busted engine, and then the light turns green and all of the sudden, that 1978 Nova becomes Spy Hunter with it's smoke screen. There's no way that can't be bad for ole' momma' earth. But if you really want proof, just go to Europe and look at the old churches. They're COVERED in black sut from decades of pollution. When we were there last fall, several were undergoing renovations, that were basically high tech pressure washes to not damage the architecture. The difference was increadible. One side is a nice light tan stone, and two feet to the left is black rotten looking crud. These are structures that are 10 times older than our country to begin with, yet the damage only began about 60 years ago..right around the time of the automoble explosion over there. If you don't believe me, just hop over to the european portion of LOC and ask. They'll tell ya'!

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I think the issues are separate but closely related. We all hate being behind a car spewing fumes, but many of those cars are at the end of their life span and being replaced with less dirty vehicles. We have done a lot to clean up the air but other countries need to do their part. Regardless of your feelings toward global warming / climate change we all want to breath clean air [at least I hope we all feel that way]

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But, I honestly don't think the whole Global Warming issue is fake. We've all seen that beat-up work truck/van/car sitting at the light, slowly puffing black smoke from a busted engine, and then the light turns green and all of the sudden, that 1978 Nova becomes Spy Hunter with it's smoke screen. There's no way that can't be bad for ole' momma' earth. But if you really want proof, just go to Europe and look at the old churches. They're COVERED in black sut from decades of pollution. When we were there last fall, several were undergoing renovations, that were basically high tech pressure washes to not damage the architecture. The difference was increadible. One side is a nice light tan stone, and two feet to the left is black rotten looking crud. These are structures that are 10 times older than our country to begin with, yet the damage only began about 60 years ago..right around the time of the automoble explosion over there. If you don't believe me, just hop over to the european portion of LOC and ask. They'll tell ya'!

This is my rationale for why I believe that on some level Global Warming is real. Here we are producing all of these emissions into the atmosphere, things we know that specifically have properties that coat and reflect UV rays and things we know chemically break down components of our atmosphere that give it the properties it has. Plus, all of these emissions are produced by unnatural means, things we have created that we weren't naturally supposed to create. It only makes sense that those things can't be good for the earth...

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