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Anyone Install A Laser Jammer On Their Ls460?

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I'm still a few months away from my LS460L purchase as my RL lease is almost up. I'm planning a Valentine 1 and Laser Interceptor combo for protection. Wondering if a dual diode protection will be enough or shoul dI go with quad protection.

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I'm still a few months away from my LS460L purchase as my RL lease is almost up. I'm planning a Valentine 1 and Laser Interceptor combo for protection. Wondering if a dual diode protection will be enough or shoul dI go with quad protection.

Good luck with the laser detector. I've got one it doesn't do much good. The laser beam is very narrow and you get no warning when he scans the cars ahead of you. When he puts the beam on your car and the laser warning goes off, it's way too late. Instant-on radar works pretty much the same way except the beam is much wider and you get some advance warning from the cars ahead of you. Maybe the Quad Protection is not a bad idea.

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I think you do not know a great deal about Laser Jammers. I'm not talking about radar dectectors I'm talking about Laser Jammers. LAser Interceptor is one of the best. It blocks laser instant on signals from the police gun and they cannot get a reading. Its illegal but only in very few states. Its not llegal in NY, NJ, CT, PA and many more. You can learn all about it here Laser Jammer Forum

Laser Jammers and Radar Jammers are illegal in the states of Nebraska, Minnesota, Utah, California, Oklahoma, Virginia and Washington DC.

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I think you do not know a great deal about Laser Jammers. I'm not talking about radar dectectors I'm talking about Laser Jammers. LAser Interceptor is one of the best. It blocks laser instant on signals from the police gun and they cannot get a reading.

Like I said, Good Luck with it. I've read the reviews......they don't work.

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I think you do not know a great deal about Laser Jammers. I'm not talking about radar dectectors I'm talking about Laser Jammers. LAser Interceptor is one of the best. It blocks laser instant on signals from the police gun and they cannot get a reading.

Like I said, Good Luck with it. I've read the reviews......they don't work.

Again Sir I think you should stick with what you know. This is taken directly from an independant tests.

Laser Interceptor

The Laser Interceptor was an average of 96% effective against laser guns used in the USA.

Source is below.

GUYS of Lidar review of LAser Jammers 2007

This was a year ago can you imagine the imporvements in that time. Instead of just saying something is voodoo why not give your source?

Also take a look at this youtube video.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Escort either has, did or will debut the ZR4. Last I heard on my radar detector board is that it was suppose to debut in mid April but I have not heard much as of late.

I am not wure why your jammer has not worked for you, texagun. I know a few guys who have them and enjoy them very much. Like you said though, instant-on is what worries me. Laser has certain limitations but a Ka instant-on hit is trouble. Only save there is if he does shoot the guy ahead of you.

Anyway, the V1 and ZR3/ZR4 is a great combo. I dont know all that much about the M40 though but I am guessing its as good. I promote the ZR's though because I have an Escort 8500 and love it.

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Escort either has, did or will debut the ZR4. Last I heard on my radar detector board is that it was suppose to debut in mid April but I have not heard much as of late.

I am not wure why your jammer has not worked for you, texagun. I know a few guys who have them and enjoy them very much. Like you said though, instant-on is what worries me. Laser has certain limitations but a Ka instant-on hit is trouble. Only save there is if he does shoot the guy ahead of you.

Anyway, the V1 and ZR3/ZR4 is a great combo. I dont know all that much about the M40 though but I am guessing its as good. I promote the ZR's though because I have an Escort 8500 and love it.

The ZR4 has been released by Escort and RADARROY has a prelinary review and looks promising however, there appears to be push through at close ranges. Remember escort laser jammers are LED based which are not as powerful as Diode based Jammers. The ZR4 price is $449 and is a 3 head system.

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Escort either has, did or will debut the ZR4. Last I heard on my radar detector board is that it was suppose to debut in mid April but I have not heard much as of late.

I am not wure why your jammer has not worked for you, texagun. I know a few guys who have them and enjoy them very much. Like you said though, instant-on is what worries me. Laser has certain limitations but a Ka instant-on hit is trouble. Only save there is if he does shoot the guy ahead of you.

Anyway, the V1 and ZR3/ZR4 is a great combo. I dont know all that much about the M40 though but I am guessing its as good. I promote the ZR's though because I have an Escort 8500 and love it.

The ZR4 has been released by Escort and RADARROY has a prelinary review and looks promising however, there appears to be push through at close ranges. Remember escort laser jammers are LED based which are not as powerful as Diode based Jammers. The ZR4 price is $449 and is a 3 head system.

I spent about 1 hour reading the posts on the Radar site posted above. Interesting discussion. I have an old Escort Passport 4600 and am thinking about upgrading to a newer one. Should I wait for the XR4 or just buy the 9500i? Can one of you "radar detector" gurus tell me the "key" difference? Or, is my old Passport 4600 still good enough? Also, other than the color, what is the difference between the blue readout and the red readout? Thanks.

I think if you read the Valentine One section on that site you will come away with the knowledge that it is by far the best Radar Dectector on the market. The concealed display is excellent, arrows, and the future upgradability is nice aswell. I have 2 right now one for my MDx and the 2nd for my RL. I love them both. There is a Radar Shootout on GUYS of LIDAR website which shows the V1 as the best and th 9500i as a close 2nd.



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Escort either has, did or will debut the ZR4. Last I heard on my radar detector board is that it was suppose to debut in mid April but I have not heard much as of late.

I am not wure why your jammer has not worked for you, texagun. I know a few guys who have them and enjoy them very much. Like you said though, instant-on is what worries me. Laser has certain limitations but a Ka instant-on hit is trouble. Only save there is if he does shoot the guy ahead of you.

Anyway, the V1 and ZR3/ZR4 is a great combo. I dont know all that much about the M40 though but I am guessing its as good. I promote the ZR's though because I have an Escort 8500 and love it.

The ZR4 has been released by Escort and RADARROY has a prelinary review and looks promising however, there appears to be push through at close ranges. Remember escort laser jammers are LED based which are not as powerful as Diode based Jammers. The ZR4 price is $449 and is a 3 head system.

I spent about 1 hour reading the posts on the Radar site posted above. Interesting discussion. I have an old Escort Passport 4600 and am thinking about upgrading to a newer one. Should I wait for the XR4 or just buy the 9500i? Can one of you "radar detector" gurus tell me the "key" difference? Or, is my old Passport 4600 still good enough? Also, other than the color, what is the difference between the blue readout and the red readout? Thanks.

I think if you read the Valentine One section on that site you will come away with the knowledge that it is by far the best Radar Dectector on the market. The concealed display is excellent, arrows, and the future upgradability is nice aswell. I have 2 right now one for my MDx and the 2nd for my RL. I love them both. There is a Radar Shootout on GUYS of LIDAR website which shows the V1 as the best and th 9500i as a close 2nd.



Hey dratifk,

Wow, that's intereting stuff. It looks to me like the Valentine is THE unit to buy!!

Thanks. :)

These GUYS OF LIDAR are an incredible group of enthusiasts who do thorough testing on every countermeasure out there. You can go crazy with this stuff. However, I recommend anyone even those who don't tend to speed to buy a Valentine One because it makes you so much more aware of the road. I usually know minutes before a speed trap that something is wrong. My last ticket was 12 years ago. I'm not a usual speeder but the V1 has saved me numerous times. Every driver sometimes goes over the limit.

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Yeah the V1 is the unit to go if you want protection all the time. It can pick up laser bands that the 8500 won't detect at all. I was saving up for a V1 but the priec of $400 was a bit high and I honestly don't speed enough to really need it. The 8500 suits me fine because the range is almost as good and it was a 1/4 of the price on craigslist. Plus the automute is cool. Its funny because I still get passed even with a RD and rarely go 10 or 15 over the PSL. Usually I comfortably drive 60 in a 55 or 62-65 in a 60. Of course most times I drive are not in RH so people arent flying by me. You'd be surprised how many people wizz by at 9:20 at night when I am heading home. It no longer bugs me. Get more time to enjoy the ride and relax from the day and you dont have the stress of speeding and worrying about who is out to race you next. Just me though!

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Oh yeah, here you go, Randy. Escort will give you $50 for your 4600 if you buy a new model from them. Visit My Website

BTW, no big difference in color besides price. The blue display is cooler during the day but would stink at night if you look at it then back to the road. You'll have that lovely blue spot in your eyes you have to blink at all the time. I have a red one and prefer it anyway. Goes much better with my cars interior lighting but a blue one would look better with a Lexus. Who knows, maybe surnig down or off the display at night would help eliminate that shock to your vision. Somewhere I read the blue display uses a more expensive type of gas and therefore costs more. Never really looked into it though.

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Oh yeah, here you go, Randy. Escort will give you $50 for your 4600 if you buy a new model from them. Visit My Website

BTW, no big difference in color besides price. The blue display is cooler during the day but would stink at night if you look at it then back to the road. You'll have that lovely blue spot in your eyes you have to blink at all the time. I have a red one and prefer it anyway. Goes much better with my cars interior lighting but a blue one would look better with a Lexus. Who knows, maybe surnig down or off the display at night would help eliminate that shock to your vision. Somewhere I read the blue display uses a more expensive type of gas and therefore costs more. Never really looked into it though.

If you like escort go for it. However, there are several things most people don't know. Most Radar companies allow you to try their product free for 30 days. If you call Valentine one and ask to purchase a refurb unit they will cut off $50 dollars aswell. Valentine one usualy sends unit which are brand new most of the time as they usualy don't have refurbs in stock. If you don't like what you get just return it.

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Oh yeah, here you go, Randy. Escort will give you $50 for your 4600 if you buy a new model from them. Visit My Website

BTW, no big difference in color besides price. The blue display is cooler during the day but would stink at night if you look at it then back to the road. You'll have that lovely blue spot in your eyes you have to blink at all the time. I have a red one and prefer it anyway. Goes much better with my cars interior lighting but a blue one would look better with a Lexus. Who knows, maybe surnig down or off the display at night would help eliminate that shock to your vision. Somewhere I read the blue display uses a more expensive type of gas and therefore costs more. Never really looked into it though.

If you like escort go for it. However, there are several things most people don't know. Most Radar companies allow you to try their product free for 30 days. If you call Valentine one and ask to purchase a refurb unit they will cut off $50 dollars aswell. Valentine one usualy sends unit which are brand new most of the time as they usualy don't have refurbs in stock. If you don't like what you get just return it.

Hey dratfk,

Good info!! Thanks.

I'm curious, when I was reading the posts on the radar site, I didn't see any discussion about photo radar. Here in AZ we have photo radar set up on freeways (infamous 101 in Scottsdale), and we have vehicles that along the side of the road with photo radar that snap your picture when you trigger their speed detector (in Scottsdale I believe they allow you 10 miles over the posted speed limit - 65. So about 2 years ago, on the 101 Freeway, I got two tickets, one on Monday and one on Wednesday. They got me at 76 and 77 MPH. It cost me about $360 for the two fines and one full 8 hour day in Traffic School.

The permanent photo radar set ups apparently have sensors in the road. But I don't believe the mobile vehicle units that park along the freeway have any sensors on the road, and I imagine they have some kind of radar gun that detects my speed, then the flash guns go off and you are "photographed".

Question, do any of these radar detectors "see" the moble vehicle photo radar type units?

Hi Randy

Regarding photoradar. There is a great prduct out called THE CHEETAH MIRROR. It's a GPS enabled rear view mirror which uses a database to warn you about all photo radars and you can program your own personal locations. Checkout This cheetah mirror Review.. There are also some video's on youtube. My friend has this installed in his LS 460L and it looks really nice.

As far as the mobile units as long as they are using KA, K, or x band the radar will pick it up. The nice thing about the Valentine is it will tell you in which direction (it has the arrows) the mobile unit is.

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Remember escort laser jammers are LED based which are not as powerful as Diode based Jammers. The ZR4 price is $449 and is a 3 head system.

Uh, the LED "is" a diode, LED = Light Emitting Diode.

The only differences are that the 'jammer' ones operate in the 908 nm wavelength, which is where the LIDARS lurk while the more common, colored, LED's operate in the visible spectrum.


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Question, do any of these radar detectors "see" the moble vehicle photo radar type units?

Most of them do 'see' it and give you a quick 'chirp'...often too late. It's a very weak K or Ka band signal because the van is so close alongside the roadway. Some detectors miss this brief, initial chirp because it's busy scanning all bands. If the scan rate is slower than the 'exploratory' chirp, it will miss it.

The photo radars zap every car they see. If the internal comparator sees a speed that exceeds the programmed tolerance speed it takes another reading, almost immediately, with the flash and pic this time. This is when you want to have a slave flash built into the grill to mask definition of your license plate.


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thanks for clearing that up. The best Jammers are the LI, LPP. there are a few others but those are not as good. I'm having a LI quad set I bought for $995 installed on my wife's MDX today. Togethor with a V1 she should be covered.

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Question, do any of these radar detectors "see" the moble vehicle photo radar type units?

Most of them do 'see' it and give you a quick 'chirp'...often too late. It's a very weak K or Ka band signal because the van is so close alongside the roadway. Some detectors miss this brief, initial chirp because it's busy scanning all bands. If the scan rate is slower than the 'exploratory' chirp, it will miss it.

The photo radars zap every car they see. If the internal comparator sees a speed that exceeds the programmed tolerance speed it takes another reading, almost immediately, with the flash and pic this time. This is when you want to have a slave flash built into the grill to mask definition of your license plate.


Oh wow... a slave flash to go off at the same time as the moble flash and masked the license plate number..... hhhhmmmm.. no that is a bit of genius!! :D Does it work? :huh:

As I remember, the typical old SLR film camera flash units were about 1/10,000 of a second, so I suppose the slave flash would be triggered in time to "block" the mobile camera from getting the plate number. But wouldn't the timing of the "flashes" have to be perfectly in sync?

I'm told from sources I believe that it does work. Never tried it myself.

They use multiple slaves in the studios all the time, some of the subjects are in motion so I'd imagine they had a pretty fast shutter speeds too.

Probably take a dual-triggered storage oscilliscope to see if there is sufficient overlap to be effective.

Actually seems a digital camera with flash and a slave flash would be a quicker test and easier access. I don't have a slave flash unit, I have enough trouble keeping the aperature and exposures straight.



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I'm still a few months away from my LS460L purchase as my RL lease is almost up. I'm planning a Valentine 1 and Laser Interceptor combo for protection. Wondering if a dual diode protection will be enough or shoul dI go with quad protection.

I just purchase a 2008 GS 350 AWD. I do have a few Laser jammers on both of my other auto's. I think you would be fine with the diode based dual transponders for your LS460.

I never used the Laser Intercepter,

I have and used the Escort Shifter ZR3 ( all (3) modules up front ) this has worked well for me. on the other car i have a blinder M20 which does a great job as well ( both are LED based).

The Diode based jammer does well from my research, helps to prevent what they call punch through.

Im looking at the Laser Pro Park for my GS 350 shortly. High priced but have seen good testing performance numbers on this one.

You will be fine with a diode base, dual transponders. Good luck in shopping.

hope i stayed on topic here for you

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