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Maintenance, What Is Due At 55 Or 60k Miles?


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I am taking my 2002 RX 300 to the dealership this week to get the oil changed but also to get them to inspect the engine to determine whether I have a sludge issue or not. Other than the dipstick does look a little greasy toward the top/handle and the oil always looks dirty, I have no reason to believe i have a problem. Still, I want them to look at it b/c I will deciding whether to keep the vehicle or not and whether it will qualify for the new motor sludge program.

Assuming everything is fine, what should I have the Lexus dealer do at this point? I have 55k miles and believe it may be due to more involved maintenance at 60k but I'm not really sure. Up to this point, svc has been diligently done including tranny flushes (i have the awd model). I'd probably rather get everything done at 55k rather than waiting 5k miles to hit 60 just b/c the dealership isn't conveniently located.

Besides doing another tranny flush, putting on a new belt, oil change, air filter change, I don't know what else is due.


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