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Heading For An Ice Age?


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Hopefully this is enough to defeat the global warming hoax....

or maybe people will switch it over to global cooling??? Haha! This winter has been pretty harsh to a lot of the US and Canada!

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In some parts of northern Canada......it was in the -40's with windchills in the -50's for a few weeks straight. :huh: I would not dare lecture some of those poor folks on global warming lol.


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It has not been too terribly cold here this winter, but it has been below average a few times for highs/lows. Coldest low we have seen at my house was 12° and the "coldest high" was something like 23° (which is 2° below our coldest average high in mid January!).

Cannot complain today.. it was 71° and 73° forecasted tomorrow.

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Were expecting our 3rd & 4th snow storm this week (back to back, about 3 - 4 inches today & about 12"+ tomorrow) in these parts. :rolleyes: I can offically say I've had enough this year lol.

Of course, my in-laws are toasting very comfortably in Lakeland Florida, enjoying Baseball's spring training lol. :lol: <_<


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Why did Al Gore win the Noble Prize again???
That's a very good question. I don't know how anyone who spends tens of thousands of dollars on utilities for their home can lecture anyone about "Global Warming" and conservation.

I'm so worried about global warming--that's what I was thinking as it snowed about 3"-5" in North Louisiana last Friday. :lol: Snow in March in Louisiana...it must be getting too hot here. :wacko:

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Yes and has anyone else noticed the downplay about global warming in the media?? It used to be every other commercial, etc. Now you barely see as much global waming propaganda anymore.

And also I heard something about E85 Ethanol being slowly let go, considering it takes more fossil fuel products to create it, than it produces... Have I heard correctly??? (God I hope so....:()

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Didn't Al Gore win the prize for inventing the internet? Or was it for breaking the DNA chain, oh, wait, I know, it was for negotiating the release of Britney! Yeah, that's it.

Not that I totally disagree with the argument that man and their machines are having a negative impact on ole' momma earth, but hooking up a cow's butt to a methane machine to save the planet seems a bit over the top. In my opinion, the arrogance of man to think it has the power to control a living and breathing thing like earth, is the biggest threat to mankind in general. When momma' is tired of us running around on her, she'll let us know and it'll all be over. Until then, it's muddin' time with the 4x4.

jcrome, I don't think E85 is going anywhere these days. But not so much motivated by the global warming issue, as to ween ourselves from the mideast oil cartel. If we're backing down from E85, that could only mean that we've discovered a new avenue to get oil for ourselves, and a lot of it. No, I think political plays will motive the further development of E85 and other methods. We're simply hooked on the "smack" of Abubu Oily Bohunk.

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Who else enjoy's the smell of gas while filling up at the pump? anyone??? lol :D
Guilty! :snoooorrrtttt: LOL It helps distract me from the thought that I'm paying $3.45/gallon!!

Yes and has anyone else noticed the downplay about global warming in the media?? It used to be every other commercial, etc. Now you barely see as much global waming propaganda anymore.
That's because they spend all their time covering the man who is going to save us all from ourselves...I mean Barack Obama. :rolleyes: Who knew a politician could run so far on something so vauge and empty as "hope" and "change."
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Yes and has anyone else noticed the downplay about global warming in the media?? It used to be every other commercial, etc. Now you barely see as much global waming propaganda anymore.

And also I heard something about E85 Ethanol being slowly let go, considering it takes more fossil fuel products to create it, than it produces... Have I heard correctly??? (God I hope so....:()

"... global warming propaganda ..." pretty much sez which side of the issue one takes, eh? :P

I don't know global warming from shinola, personally, but I CAN understand why they call it 'global'. Right? Meaning for every 3, 4, or 5 countires or contenants that have extra cold ... there are 4, 5, or 6 that are warmer, so that the AVERAGE goes up. Similarly, while 6, 7, or more seasons of bitter cold, are out-averages against 6, 7 or more WARM seasons ... now do I have that definition right?

It's intriguing how folks 'poo poo' an idea, one side or the other, based on a rather limited basis of comparison. For example, we have property in the Flathead Valley, which is just a short drive south of Glacier National Park. There are 100 year old photos of the Glacier. Absolutely beautiful. I've been to some of the spots where those 100 year old photos were taken. Only now, you can no longer see the glacier from there. Travel a couple miles? Then you CAN see it ... but it's still a few miles away. It takes a long time to effect a glacier that much, to add to its length or to decrease it.

Does THAT prove anything. Only that the northern U.S. has gotten warmer over the last 100 years. Is that natural? Who can say? No one. But one thing IS certain ... if we wait until there IS absolute proof that Co2 IS the cause? It'll be too late. That's why it's particularly bothersome when fossle fuel companies hire experts, to absolutely disprove the opposition, who by the way have NO ax to grind one way or the other. But we DO have reason to doubt their opposition. If we DO cut back Co2, we at least cut gas consumption, and the like, so why is that so bad.

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Can I blame Al Gore for the farting smell my 4runner, and the mass 4runners, tundras, tacomas, and most other Toyota trucks produce from their earth saving cat converters? I mean, if it isn't one type of pollution, it's another. Just like those STUPID florescent light bulbs everyone is running out to buy, that you can't hook up to a dimmer, and GOD FORBID you accidently break one! Oh My God, it requires the local HazMat team to come to your house and clean it up, because those STUPID things contain enough MERCURY in them to kill a horse. So, we save on the required energy to produce electricity to run one of those light bulbs, but WASTE 5 times as much when you turn on your carbon burning gas sucking car to take one to the local toxic dump, because local landfills won't accept them. I'm serious folks, I'm not making this stuff up! You break one of those things in your house, you're to evacuate. And if it breaks on the carpet, you're to actually cut out the carpet and toss it too at the local toxic dump....

I just can't wait to see the impact of these "earth saving" devices have on the water supply. What a bunch of damn idiots! Who ever is responsible for these little light bulbs should be shot dead, as human kind doesn't need morons like that walking this earth...

Just my opinion....back to painting the nursery, with paint made in China. Happy Easter. :lol:

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