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Navi Mod Advice Needed


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Hi and thank you for viewing.

I have a 2006 GX 470. I bought it without the DVD entertainment system because I didn't like looking at the flipped down LCD in the rear view mirror plus it would be hard for my small kids in the second room to watch movies. I got an after market system with behind the headrest LCDs, DVD play, and wireless headsets. Everything works fine but here are the issues.

- They used a FM Modulator so the sound is not good and sometime there are lots of static or no sound at all

- Only ppl in the back can view the DVD so it is hard for the front (driver and front passenger) to navigate the DVD such as skipping intro, or to a specific part

Below is what I ultimately want to accomplish with your help.

- Hook the DVD player directly to the Lexus sound system - Trash the FM Modulator

- Modify the front Nav LCD to view the same DVD movie as the back. If this means having to get a new DVD player that's fine.

- Nav DVD plays movie while driving.

I know that is a lot to ask in one post but I hope this will help others too.



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