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Window Tint?!?!


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I was wondering is it illegal to get full limo tint on all around on my ls400. I got a fix it ticket from a cop to rip it off in the pasanger side and driver side along with the front. Is it that bad or is it because of visibility? but the tint job i got life time warranty B) and they pay for my fix it :P.

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Hello all

Every State is different.. Here in Michigan you can only have tint on the drivers and passenger windows no more than 4 inches from the top of the window. I have limo tint all the way around and have yet to be pulled over. Many of my friends have been pulled over and issued a FIX IT ticket.

Indiana and Arizona do not have any laws regarding window tint that I know of..

Once I get pulled over, I will remove the tint below 4 inches.

I spend a lot of time looking for cops and rolling my windows down if i see them. I also spend a lot of time rolling my windows down at night so I can see if anyone is coming. You can't always rely on people driving with thier lights on..

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In Virginia you can tint any window completely dark except the windshiled, and front windows which are restrcited to 35%. Frankly I would never tint my windows since any tint is like asking to get pulled over as certainly guarentees you a ticket for something if you are stopped.

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In Virginia you can tint any window completely dark except the windshiled, and front windows which are restrcited to 35%. Frankly I would never tint my windows since any tint is like asking to get pulled over as certainly guarentees you a ticket for something if you are stopped.

In Virginia you also have the option for speeding tickets in upwards of $1,000 to what is it like $5,000. If you !Removed! in your GS in Virginia, your most likely getting a fine!

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The FIX IT tickets are no points and no fines if you get it fixed within 10 days..

I get alot of compliments on my car and right now it is worth it to me.. Ask me when I get pulled over for having my windows tinted and I had a couple of drinks.

By the way, if I am going out and there is a remote possibility that I am having a drink, the LEXUS stays in the garage and I drive the Durango..

Alcohol and that V8 just don't mix well..


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The FIX IT tickets are no points and no fines if you get it fixed within 10 days..

I get alot of compliments on my car and right now it is worth it to me.. Ask me when I get pulled over for having my windows tinted and I had a couple of drinks.

By the way, if I am going out and there is a remote possibility that I am having a drink, the LEXUS stays in the garage and I drive the Durango..

Alcohol and that V8 just don't mix well..

Prior to moving to South Carolina, I resided in NE Pennsylvania.....No matter if the weather is RAIN/SNOW/SLEET/ or HAIL when leaving the bar in a tinted vehicle, windows go down. This often lead to cold and wet environment but eliminated majority of the risk factor.

In my 8 years of driving, every vehicle I ever owned was fully tinted. I have been stopped roughly 18 times, only received 2 FIX IT tickets. Both of which I did not remove the tint and appear for inspection as requested. I somehow got away with the first one, must have misplaced the paperwork. Second one I received a ticket by mail 2 months later for $93.50. I weighed my options.... to have all 7 windows re-tinted would have run me $200+ basically 2 tickets = the price to have it re-tinted.

F.Y.I: Anyone encountering confrontation from an officer of the law regarding tint....The best excuse I found to be pretty solid is explain to the officer that you purchased the vehicle pre-tinted from a neighboring state (the state you use must be one that is tint friendly) and that you were unaware that it was not legal to have it as it was sold to you with the tint. Focus on an expression of disbelief regarding the crazy idea that the tint is not a legal accessory. The majority of the time I would ask where and how I could have the tint removed at, and that I will do it very soon. Thus leading to verbal warnings 90% of my 18 total times.

Merry Xmas


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My total tint job in Muskegon for all four windows and the rear was $180..

He told me that if I had to remove it and add the 4 inch top strip for the front driver and passenger side.. (Back seat driver, passenger and rear are legal) he would charge me $75..

Not that big of a deal.. Well worth it...

Not only does it look hot.. Let me tell you about some of the real plus's

Before tint, certain parts of the day my NAV system was unreadable due to the glare from the sun.. Now NAV and DVD movies can be seen any time of day without any glare.

Before tint, when weather was hot the leather seats were sometimes to hot to sit in with shorts, (sure they cooled down quickly with the seat cooler) but with the Tint the whole inside of the car remained cooler..

I noticed that the dash and seats once I treat them with cleaner and conditioner stay that way much longer..

No more road rage !!!! When I flip people off, they can't see me... Just kidding..LOL

UREXINMYLEX -- Sweet looking ride !!!

P.S. Weather has been bad here and I have not driven the Lexus in 5 days.. Going through withdrawl..!!! I know it handles well in this weather I just worry about the other people driving lesser vehicles hitting me...

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Hi, I am sure that he told you that It would be BETTER but that does not mean it is the law. They like to see you when they walk up to your car. My advice is, if you do get pulled over, ROLL ALL YOUR windows down so the can see if there are multiple occupants.

Put yourself in thier shoes. They pull you over and you only roll down the drivers window and they can't see if someone is in the back seat with a gun.. Makes them nervous. they will appreciate that you made thier job easier..If you do this, they will be less likely to hassle you..

California Window Tint Law

California Tint Law Enacted: 1999


Darkness of tint is measured by Visible Light Transmission percentage (VLT%). In California, this percentage refers to percentage of visible light allowed in through the combination of film and the window.

Windshield Non-reflective tint is allowed on the top 4 inches of the windshield.

Front Side Windows Must allow more than 70% of light in.

Back Side Windows Any darkness can be used.

Rear Window Any darkness can be used.


Similar to sunglass lenses, some tinting film contain metallic elements that help in reflecting incoming light and reducing the glare and heat generated by visible light.

Front Side Windows Must not be more reflective than a standard window.

Back Side Windows Must not be more reflective than a standard window.


Restricted Colors The tint color(s) of RED are not legal by state law.

Side Mirrors Dual side mirrors are required if back window is tinted.

Certificate Requirements Manufacturers of film do NOT need to certify the film they sell in the state.

Sticker Requirements No sticker to identify legal tinting is required.

Medical Exemption State law does NOT allow medical exemptions that would allow you use special tint.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The FIX IT tickets are no points and no fines if you get it fixed within 10 days..

I get alot of compliments on my car and right now it is worth it to me.. Ask me when I get pulled over for having my windows tinted and I had a couple of drinks.

By the way, if I am going out and there is a remote possibility that I am having a drink, the LEXUS stays in the garage and I drive the Durango..

Alcohol and that V8 just don't mix well..


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I was wondering is it illegal to get full limo tint on all around on my ls400. I got a fix it ticket from a cop to rip it off in the pasanger side and driver side along with the front. Is it that bad or is it because of visibility? but the tint job i got life time warranty B) and they pay for my fix it :P.


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does anyone know the tint issue in southern cali because the cop told me it was better to remove all the limo tint on my car ?

you can read this for yourself. hope this helps you out :wacko:

california vehicle code 26708 Material Obstructing or Reducing Driver's View

26708. (a) (1) No person shall drive any motor vehicle with any object or material placed, displayed, installed, affixed, or applied upon the windshield or side or rear windows.

(2) No person shall drive any motor vehicle with any object or material placed, displayed, installed, affixed, or applied in or upon the vehicle which obstructs or reduces the driver's clear view through the windshield or side windows.

(3) This subdivision applies to a person driving a motor vehicle with the driver's clear vision through the windshield, or side or rear windows, obstructed by snow or ice.

(B) This section does not apply to any of the following:

(1) Rearview mirrors.

(2) Adjustable nontransparent sunvisors which are mounted forward of the side windows and are not attached to the glass.

(3) Signs, stickers, or other materials which are displayed in a 7-inch square in the lower corner of the windshield farthest removed from the driver, signs, stickers, or other materials which are displayed in a 7-inch square in the lower corner of the rear window farthest removed from the driver, or signs, stickers, or other materials which are displayed in a 5-inch square in the lower corner of the windshield nearest the driver.

(4) Side windows which are to the rear of the driver.

(5) Direction, destination, or termini signs upon a passenger common carrier motor vehicle or a schoolbus, if those signs do not interfere with the driver's clear view of approaching traffic.

(6) Rear window wiper motor.

(7) Rear trunk lid handle or hinges.

(8) The rear window or windows, when the motor vehicle is equipped with outside mirrors on both the left- and right-hand sides of the vehicle that are so located as to reflect to the driver a view of the highway through each mirror for a distance of at least 200 feet to the rear of the vehicle.

(9) A clear, transparent lens affixed to the side window opposite the driver on a vehicle greater than 80 inches in width and which occupies an area not exceeding 50 square inches of the lowest corner toward the rear of that window and which provides the driver with a wide-angle view through the lens.

(10) Sun screening devices meeting the requirements of Section 26708.2 installed on the side windows on either side of the vehicle's front seat, if the driver or a passenger in the front seat has in his or her possession a letter or other document signed by a licensed physician and surgeon certifying that the person must be shaded from the sun due to a medical condition, or has in his or her possession a letter or other document signed by a licensed optometrist certifying that the person must be shaded from the sun due to a visual condition. The devices authorized by this paragraph shall not be used during darkness.

(11) An electronic communication device affixed to the center uppermost portion of the interior of a windshield within an area that is not greater than 5 inches square, if the device provides either of the following:

(A) The capability for enforcement facilities of the Department of the California Highway Patrol to communicate with a vehicle equipped with the device.

(B) The capability for electronic toll and traffic management on public or private roads or facilities.

© Notwithstanding subdivision (a), transparent material may be installed, affixed, or applied to the topmost portion of the windshield if the following conditions apply:

(1) The bottom edge of the material is at least 29 inches above the undepressed driver's seat when measured from a point 5 inches in front of the bottom of the backrest with the driver's seat in its rearmost and lowermost position with the vehicle on a level surface.

(2) The material is not red or amber in color.

(3) There is no opaque lettering on the material and any other lettering does not affect primary colors or distort vision through the windshield.

(4) The material does not reflect sunlight or headlight glare into the eyes of occupants of oncoming or following vehicles to any greater extent than the windshield without the material.

(d) Notwithstanding subdivision (a), clear, colorless, and transparent material may be installed, affixed, or applied to the front side windows, located to the immediate left and right of the front seat if the following conditions are met:

(1) The material has a minimum visible light transmittance of 88 percent.

(2) The window glazing with the material applied meets all requirements of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 205 (49 C.F.R. 571.205), including the specified minimum light transmittance of 70 percent and the abrasion resistance of AS-14 glazing, as specified in that federal standard.

(3) The material is designed and manufactured to enhance the ability of the existing window glass to block the sun's harmful ultraviolet A rays.

(4) The driver has in his or her possession, or within the vehicle, a certificate signed by the installing company certifying that the windows with the material installed meet the requirements of this subdivision and identifies the installing company and the material's manufacturer by full name and street address, or, if the material was installed by the vehicle owner, a certificate signed by the material's manufacturer certifying that the windows with the material installed according to manufacturer's instructions meets the requirements of this subdivision and identifies the material's manufacturer by full name and street address.

(5) If the material described in this subdivision tears or bubbles, or is otherwise worn to prohibit clear vision, it shall be removed or replaced.

Amended Sec. 77, Ch. 1154

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I was wondering is it illegal to get full limo tint on all around on my ls400. I got a fix it ticket from a cop to rip it off in the pasanger side and driver side along with the front. Is it that bad or is it because of visibility? but the tint job i got life time warranty B) and they pay for my fix it :P.


I have some picture of my lexus before the tint was removed in the front... tell me because some people say it can pass




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  • 2 weeks later...

Its Illegal to have darker than 35% on the front windows in my state. So i put police plates on my car, now i get away with all kinds of stuff. I speed past cops all the time, my radar goes nuts, but they just smile, wave, and pull everyone else over. :D

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In the UAE, it is legal to tint upto 30% all windows, rear and upto 5 inches front screen. However, people tend to tint upto 50% or more. Cops have a hand-held digital equipment to measure the tint, and if in excess, a fine of approx US$2,500 can be imposed, and the car can impounded for upto one month.

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Why would someone tint their windows 50% or more, 30% is darker than 50%. the percentages list how much light is allowed to come through. uless they rate it differently in the UAE.

My windows are at 5%. next step is either 2.5% or just paint the window black. ( i wouldnt paint it black though.)

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  • 1 year later...
In Virginia you can tint any window completely dark except the windshiled, and front windows which are restrcited to 35%. Frankly I would never tint my windows since any tint is like asking to get pulled over as certainly guarentees you a ticket for something if you are stopped.

Old thread, but sorry, that is completely wrong.

Max tint is 50% for front side windows, and 35% for the rears and back window.

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