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just pick one name darnit :D i kinda figured who it was ;)

anyways, i want to be a state trooper, and matt wants to live in australia, so um.... maybe ill do the highway patrol thing there :D

ill go look around for more info, and um..id have to say, i do love the NC highway patrol cherokee's a bit more than the one's pictured above, but who cares....i wouldn't get to pick what i get...

as for the images i found, everything else was well..yeh...REAL OLD. just thought id find something decently new to "match" what is out now....

and as for food....it's nasty.....so nasty....and i know it's not the same thing..just like most foreign foods here, none really match what is there..if that makes sense...


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so, i called...the lady said my paint code is 03k, but i cannot find that code ANYWHERE on either sites for a 92 es 300.....

i might end up having to buy the darn jar o paint from lexus....

im on hold now........ what's wrong with my car that something this simple cuold be so totally messed up *Sigh*

should have expected this shouldn't i?

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she told me wrong :)

3k7 and ua47 for the cladding :)

i bought um...

1/2 ounce pen of the 3k7, clear coat and primer...PLUS the ua47 with its clear coat and primer....unless well.the clear coat and such is all the same..but eh..just means ill have it ofr next time...


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Glad you found it Piggy!

Chris, yeah the loaded Crown is about 40k equivelent and the loaded Celsior is about $70k equivielent US dollars (of course they're priced in Yen). I had always heard what you stated, the Crown was the pinnacle of luxury in Japan, I was surprised. The Crown and the Windom are almost the same price...

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Hey Piggy, I dont want you to think that I am being critical, because I am not?

I have been reading your posts over the last few weeks. And I have to question why you are so worried about keeping this car? .. The way I look at it is simple.. A vehicle is not only meant to be something that is appealing to the eye. But it should also be reliable, and cost affective..

From the sounds of things. Your car in niether?.. The fact that it is a Lexus, and that it is seen by many as a status symble, should not be the main reason for keeping it? You youself have admitted that it is a lemmon on many occassions. And I have to be honest when I say that I totally agree with your parents thinking.. I know that I wouldnt be shelling out hundreds of dollars every time something goes wrong with my daughters car. Considering that I never get to drive it?..

Anyways, I didnt want to sound like a downer. But I do believe Lexus usually do produce reliable vehicles. But sometimes even they get it wrong.. I think you should just call it a day. And even though it sound like something that you dont want to do. Maybe you should downsize to something that is smaller and more affordable to run.. God. I am sure that everyone here has had to drive something that they didnt like, at some stage in their life?... We have all had to work for what we have, and so didnt just wake up one day with a Lexus in the driveway.... I think your parents may be on the right thing with wanting to get rid of it? Your still young. And I think Lexus will be making cars for years to come?

:ph34r: Chris :ph34r:

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the thing is...they wont get rid of it..they hate all thats going wrong with it and just wont do anymore..they said they would fix anything safety wise..and thats what theyve been trying to do...

they wont spend more than $200 on the car now..they wont sell the car to anyone because it is a lemon and they wont get another car...so im stuck...so might as well make it worth my while...i love this car...even if it is a lemon...it's the first car i could semi call my own..and um...if i cant get a new one, so be it...this one is gonna last me darnit.. i gave up on the sensor/computer whatever it is..as long as that car warms up in the morning..it wont DIE on me..just has issues accelerating at lights..and everywhere else..cant mention that now either..too many things wrong..

tires are easy to fix :) so thats ok... and if thats what the bf got me...no worries on my parents part..and i know they want the best and safest for me..so do i....

and i love my dad and dont want him to feel more like crap each time something goes wrong..my car my problem...

im driving this lemon til it's really dead....and then..i'm gonna gut it and make it a bed....that thing is staying with me...im gonna get my money out of that thing..(and all i wanted was a 84 pickup or jeep.. something simple to fix and work on....they didnt listen...but oh well..)

this car just makes people want to kill eachother..thats why no one is doing anything major about it...trust me...it's a sore sore topic at the house....

my parents may have threatened to toss it, but it was only in frustration of what they bought, they cant get rid of it now....cuz of the money we put into it..they dont want some sap ending up with the issues im having now...

i have no soul, im fine with selling it to an innocent...sorta..kinda..just dont want anyone else sitting in my baby...he's mine to love and to charish and um..til death do us part kinda stuff...

he grew on me...*Sniffle* and we're sticking it out together...

oh yeh, and on a less depressing note...

tomatoe : tomato :: toyota windom : lexus es


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well, you know, the money you've already spent is just that - sunk cost. going forward, will you spend more money fixing this thing or selling it as a lemon to a handy mechanic type and getting a car that won't be sitting at the shop longer than rolling on the highway.

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i woulda left this car on the side of the road a LONNGGGGG time ago. long long time ago...parents are just trying to fix this problem...in the worst way possible....they feel bad they got me a car i hated....it's either i drive this car and keep it in one piece (but broken, taped pieces ;) ) or my mom drives it and destroys it.....and trust me....i'd drive this car any day over the camry...i just cant take that car anymore...*Sigh*

and the car isn't worth the money, i know...but at the same time...it is....just not really..

im trying to be a responsible adult and take what life threw at me...a lemon car...

been trying to get them to buy something else...

what they saw in this car, a GREAT DEAL ($7k...yeh right) and a safe car (dead tires, and um..dead everything else..yeh right)

it was either this or the 94 camry they found that was definately a "branded title"

they came (to the dealership), they saw( the car) and they fell for the dealer's bs....and didn't listen when i said i wanted the warrenty...my conclusion: :snoooorrrtttt:

"in nothing we trust"

this car will not be going ANY TIME SOON. fix it, sell it for a ton later..and bam....new car for addie.....

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i think it might be illegal to sell you a lemon, but probably too late to take the issue up with the dealer now.

piggy, did you ever run a carfax report or something to that effect to make sure your mileage at the time of sale was represented accurately? if it was misrepresented, i think you can still take it back. it just sounds so odd that you have been having so many problems.


you should still just think about going forward instead of anything about the $7K already lost or being responsible adult or not dumping a lemon on somebody else. you can sell it telling people that it has these problems. then take the money and buy a hyundai, which has had very good reliability rating for recent year models and which also depreciates quickly so you should be able to find a relatively new car, or do something to that effect.

let's say you can sell the lexus for $3500 to someone then spend another $1000 to get a chevy or a hyundai or whatever. then you will be out $1000 if the new car doesn't have any problems. but if you keep the lexus and spend $2000 to get things right, you can see it still makes sense to sell the lexus at a loss and take a chevy.

if you think you are only going to spend several hundred bucks on the es300 going forward, then the above makes no sense and you should go ahead and fix the lexus and drive it the best you can.

but, these economic scenarios always make more sense on paper than on the psyche. so do what feels right for you.

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i know how much money i spent..i got screwed...and yeh, lemon laws..but i dont think they cover used...im going to call the office today about it....it's near the parents house...

as for the selling, it wont happen. im not allowed to ditch it..stuck with it...*shrug*

and ive gone shoppin for replacement cars...even tried to take my dad to look at the truck...but no.

im stuck with a busted car....they keep saying cars cant be perfect..but cars can and need to be safe and reliable...*Shrug*

also, in driving my car....it is having the issue of accelerating at lights, so maybe i can get that looked at....other than that...he's ok.....nothing serious enough that he'll die on the side of the road...

just maybe run off the road in rain ;)

he's slow going....but once he goes, he dont wanna stop..thats my baby..... he's got some truck in him :D

i gave up trying to fight for a new car long ago....right now im just trying to get from point A to point B without dying.

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i totally agree with everyone..i wanna sell the car..it's too much worrying and money to deal with....and everyone's comments to this INSANE ordeal really mean alot to me.... *sniff* it helps me remember im not the crazy one :lol:

and can i take that 2c and put it into a jar..its the "buy addie a new car" fund :D

accelerating is a big deal...i love to zip outta lights, up the street, onto the highway and speed all the way home...

on a side note, i put premium gas in the car for the first time...im hoping it does something somewhere in the car...dont really care about the $25 hole in my pocket now...i mean....thats not much in comparison to um..yeh..

the car goes to the shop for an oil change, im gonna ask if they checked all that vacuum stuff that people have been talking about...

and then im going to cry..

i want a genie so i can *poof* my car into perfectness or just another vehicle...

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