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Hi comrades, so just wanting to share this great info.. yes.. my brake booster failed! My wife was driving it, and she told me that the brakes were making a weird noise. I checked it out.. told her to press the brakes and a semi whining sound was coming out from the master cylinder- brake booster area. I didn't think the master cylinder would actually make that type of sound , so I assumed the worse.. and i felt that the brake booster had passed on. Just to make sure I took it to my mechanic, he tested it, and he did confirm my fear. I was a bit shocked that a brake booster would go, the car has about 55,000 miles, bought it at 38,000. and so far this is about the only problem i've had. But i've never heard of anyone , anywhere having to replace their brake boosters. Don't these things last forever? I mean, not only on Lexus, but in general. Well to get to the point, he told me there were a couple of options, he could get it brand new for about $800 plus $ 200-$300 in labor, or I could try to get it used, and he;d just charge me for labor. To my dismay, I was able to get one for $80 on e-bay, with 6 months warranty, so at least the repair is not gonna be so painful.

I've searched this forum to see if anyone else had this problem, but couldn;t find any.. am I the only one? Uhmm :whistles:


I've never seen a brake booster fail at 55k. Does it affect the car in any way? Or is it just an annoying noise?


I have replaced boosters on other brands of car over the years, but this is the first time I have heard of a failure on a Lexus. Normally the release valve sticks open, and that allows atmospheric air to the front side of the diaphragm. The booster looses power, and the brakes feel very "hard" and have little grab.

If there is nothing but a noise, then I wouldn't worry about it. Many have a small air filter in the area where the pushrod from the pedal goes in, and they can make a wheezing sound through it. Perhaps that's what has happened - the air filter itself is producing the noise.

You'll know it when the performance of the booster drops off, that's for sure.


Hi 92LX, actually it's just like SRK says; the brakes just feel hard, so it's like driving without power brakes I'd say.I have to give myself time and distance to come to a full stop. SRK you have a great point there, it might be the release valve or something sticking open, but let me ask u this, is that something I can fix myself? I am sorta mechanically inclined, do you think it would be semi easy to take care of that problem? The whole booster needs to come out? Let me know, I just might be able to tackle this problem this weekend. Infact I am thinking that just might be it, my indie mechanic has worked for Lexus for over 12 years, and he says he's never seen that go bad on a Lexus, keeping my fingers crossed that it is just a valve.. wheeww!!!! :cheers:


You'll probably have to remove the booster. There is a good chance that the master can be unbolted and moved ahead enough that you won't have to undo any hydraulic lines. Four bolts on the firewall, and the pushrod, and it's out. At least that's my reckoning, not having to do it myself LOL!

If there is a filter and it is moved sideways, then straighten it out. Otherwise replace it with a used one.

Good luck.


You'll probably have to remove the booster. There is a good chance that the master can be unbolted and moved ahead enough that you won't have to undo any hydraulic lines. Four bolts on the firewall, and the pushrod, and it's out. At least that's my reckoning, not having to do it myself LOL!

If there is a filter and it is moved sideways, then straighten it out. Otherwise replace it with a used one.

Good luck.

Thanks, i'll look it and see what I can do, so if no hydraulic lines need to be removed, chances are I won't have to bleed the master nor the brakes then. Uhmm... I have also been trying to get some more info from the toyota tech web site, but it seems to be down for a few days, If I don;t give up trying before I take it to my mechanic, I'll let you guys know what's up. Thanks again :cheers:

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