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I Just Got Hit In The Back!


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F.....n stupid b...ch!!!!! women should not drive!!!!!! RRRRRRRRRRRrrr i'm so *BLEEP*ed!!!!!!!!! and upset!!!!!!!!!!!!11 my tail light is broken!!!! and there is a big scratch on my bumper......:(

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make sure their insurance doesnt try to cheap out on you and just repaint your bumper cuz thats what happened to me. make sure you make them get a brand new one and check to see if your trunk closes as it used to because mine is no longer the same since i got hit in the back so now i almost have to slam it where as i used to just be able to give it a gentle push and it would close like a vault. so make sure that woman pays for what she has done!

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I've been hit 4X in the last 17 years since I've had a driver's license (I just turned 34 a few weeks ago). You guessed it, it was a WOMAN every time. I'm sorry ladies but you just can't drive. Too much attention to everything else but the road. Women shouldn't even be allowed to a use cell phone in a motor vehicle. On average, men are BETTER DRIVERS hands down. That's not a chauvinistic statement but it's a true statement.

The only accident I've caused was when I was 19 and I rolled a Suzuki Samaraui up in the woods (Taylor Mtn., Issaquah, WA). Yeah, we were drinking and seeing where the lil' Jeep wanna-be could go. It actually did pretty good in 4X4. I had that '87 Suzuki back in '89. I had 5 people in the rig including myself. It was a soft top and it rolled 2 and a half times. Nobody got hurt. Amazing... It was actually a pretty tough little rig. I drove it out of the woods and drove it around for about a month with the crunched top.

Yes, be relentless with the insurance adjuster and don't let the scumball try to take the cheap route. They try every time.

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there was a study released today that said 75% of woman surveyed have admitted to putting on makeup " WHILE " driving


never mind the idiots who use there cell phones and cannot keep there attention on the road at the same time

crossing lanes and not looking as they do change them because they might drop the phone off there shoulder

just idiots plain and simple

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i didnt call the police, i checked the trunk and behind the bumper and everything seemed ok. i charged her 500$ for the damage and the scratch i think i will buff it out with wax and clay bar.

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Bummer VMF. It's not just women that can't frive. In the past five years I've been hit by 3 guys but only one woman. Considering the way people drive it's amazing that more people aren't hit.

I hope the dameage isn't too severe. Even if you call the cops, they don't do sheet. After the woman blew through a red light and totaled my Cady, the cop said "uh well... there wern't any witnesses so I can't really do anything" Then her insurance company bent me over and said they weren't paying me anything because their client said "her light was still yellow." "Still?' I asked?

Around her (VB) nobody signals, 3/4 of the people speed, and 1/4 go under the speed limit., and just about nobody actually pays attention.

Maybe we need a wreck forum?

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i didnt call the police, i checked the trunk and behind the bumper and everything seemed ok. i charged her 500$ for the damage and the scratch i think i will buff it out with wax and clay bar.

VMF - Don't accept that $500 from her. Open a claim with her insurance company and get everything done right.

I had a similiar situation about a month ago in a large parking lot. I parked my Lexus outside of a Boater's World while I went inside with my 6 year old son to get some stuff for my boat. I came back out and some jackass (this was a guy ladies) was parked all the way up on my back bumper. I went back in the store and said very loudly "who owns the Toyota Tacoma truck outside". This guy came up and said "me". I had him come outside and showed him how he was parked on my rear bumper. I asked him why he parked behind me when there was about 4 spaces to his left and right that were WIDE OPEN. He said there were cars there at the time but I know he was lying. I was only in the store for about 20 min's and that many people didn't come in to fill those spaces. Anyway, he gave me his insurance info. He was a really nice guy too. I calmed down after I realised he was very cooperative. I had a few small scratches on my center, rear bumper that I could use a clay stick and wax to buff out. I didn't have a clay stick last Sunday. I need to go get one. The insurance adjuster on the phone kind of bickered with me about it but he had a local adjuster come out. I got a high estimate from a really high end shop. Somehow these guys came up with $1,100. I got another estimate a few days before for $425. You know those guys are crooked. Long story short, the insurance company mailed me a check for $1,100 last week. Uhhh, they were including some preexisting damage from the previous owner. The back, passenger side bumper at the corner has a spider web crack. The previous owner backed into his other car in his garage. All of that money is actually going to my wheels/tires. I didn't think they would send me the whole amount? I didn't expect it. I'm not complaining about that. I also didn't ask for the insurance companie's client to park on my bumper. Am I bad?

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i'm thankful:) i was not able to call the police either coz i forgot to pay for my registration and it is expired for a week now:) so i kinda didnt want all the hussle with the police and tickets:)

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i'm thankful:) i was not able to call the police either coz i forgot to pay for my registration and it is expired for a week now:) so i kinda didnt want all the hussle with the police and tickets:)

You don't need a police report to make a claim. Only if there is major damage. They say $500 or more for a cop to even report it. All you need to do is start a claim with her insurance company and get a claim #. Then a adjuster comes out and takes pics and they cut you a check soon after. The insurance company will pay ASAP. They're glad there is no hospital bills. Can you say "my back hurts...". Chiropractor heaven... That's expensive. Fixing your car for $1,000 or so is no biggie.

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We have male and female members on this board, singling out all female drivers and saying "men are better hands down" just plain isn't fair. Both men and women can drive equally well, there is no difference in abilities between the sexes that would account for a disparity in the ability to drive. Thats just a commonly held fallacy. In respect for our female members, I'd appreciate it if we could keep the "woman driver bashing" to a level of zero ;)

Sorry to hear about the accident man, definately don't accept the $500, call her insurance co. 95-97 LS400 bumpers are some of the worst in the industry and there could be thousands of dollars is damages you can't even see.

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I'll go by my personal expereinces then. In every moving accident (4) that I've been involved in, a woman has been the driver of the vehicle that struck me. I was nice to one of the ladies and she tried to screw me. She didn't want me to call the cops so I didn't and I took her info. I was young and naive, I was only about 19 at the time. She didn't have her insurance card so I wrote down her plate # and info. She wrote down mine as well. She told me her husband would call me the next day. He never did. I tried calling her but it was the wrong #. I had to call the local police station to run her plates to get her real info. I didn't charge hit and run because I just wanted my car fixed. Jeez, I was 19, my car was everything to me. Her husband eventually and reluctantly cut me a check for the damage while complaining. She thought she could get away with it. I bet she didn't even have insurance? It sounds like she has done this before? Who knows? Eve says "eat the apple Adam"....Blah, blah, blah....

I'm sorry but you're not going to like this. WOMEN CAN'T DRIVE! (from my personal experiences...)

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I've seen plenty of men that can't drive either. I've also seen women do things with cars on tracks that nobody here can even imagine.

However, I'm not debating whether or not women can't drive, I'm saying statements like that have no place on these forums. Its just not fair to our female members. You can understand where we're coming from though right?

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i agree with Todd 110% they cant drive and they should not drive. none of the females i know can normaly drive. i cant even be with them in the car! i'm gettin way too nervous. i took my bumper out, no damage inside and there is no need to repaint it, i will show you guys the scratch tomorrow. i might get new tail light abd thats it. and this insurance issue in brooklyn is very very sensitive. FBI is investigating mostly all the cases because of the insurance fraud. and whole medical treatment is complete BS! ive been in the accidents b4 and all they do is charge insurance for like 15-20k for nothing. i had this "treatment" for like 3 month and i hated it!!! stupid doctors askin me how is my s*x life after the accident and crackin my neck very unprofessionally and those needles in my back didnt help me either. as to the electrical muscle tuning or whatever it called...... you can prolly guess what i was about to say. plus with my old insruance card and expired registration i had a really good chanse to be busted. in brooklyn insruance will deal only with police report. thats the evidence they use to create a claim. i hope i will move out of here soon!!! cant wait!

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You'd leave Brooklyn? Man, I only had one car stolen there ever! Found it in Bushwick, stripped. Before we could even get it, it was stolen again. Does that count as two?

I'm not even getting into the women and driving issue. My wife reads this sometimes and she would be "annoyed" if something was said. Besides, my wife and daughter are both pretty good drivers. My daughter drives my truck with a stick and does great in town and on the Interstates. Of course I taught her to drive so that might be why she is so good.

Most people are crappy drivers anyway. They hang flags and stickers all over their cars and then drive slow in the left lane. In the rare event they ever use a turn signal, they leave it on for an hour. Buick and SUV drivers are the WORST! I taught my daughter when you see a Buick, watch out!

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tell me about it. those soccer moms here in brooklyn driving those minivans and SUVs and old boats and they think they drive a sports car!!! you should see them. my Gf drives like crazy!!!! i'm scared to let her drive:) how old is your doughter that you let her drive ur track with a stick

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My daughter is 18. She got her permit when she turned 15, and her licence when she turned 16. I bought the truck two years ago and I got a stick to discourage others from driving it. But, she just had to learn. She shifts great, and hasn't burned up the clutch. She leaves for Virginia Tech next week, and she is not taking a car this year. I'll have three cars all to myself!

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i love stick!!! i started to drive on stick when i was like 12:) and i got intrduced to automatic transmission only 5 years ago when i came to US. back in russia all the cars are on sticks so i had a hard time learning how to drive automatic:) another car i got is legend with manual! i enjoy and relax when i drive it:)

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You'd leave Brooklyn?   Man, I only had one car stolen there ever!  Found it in Bushwick, stripped.  Before we could even get it, it was stolen again.  Does that count as two?

I'm not even getting into the women and driving issue.  My wife reads this sometimes and she would be "annoyed" if something was said.  Besides, my wife and daughter are both pretty good drivers.  My daughter drives my truck with a stick and does great in town and on the Interstates.  Of course I taught her to drive so that might be why she is so good.

Most people are crappy drivers anyway.  They hang flags and stickers all over their cars and then drive slow in the left lane. In the rare event they ever use a turn signal, they leave it on for an hour.  Buick and SUV drivers are the WORST!  I taught my daughter when you see a Buick, watch out!

I had my perfect 1995 300ZX with 18" rims, Kenwood DVD with a 6K stereo system stolen out of my "secured" parking garage at my old place last Jan. Seattle is in the top 5 in the nation for stolen vehicles. AUTO THEFT is rampant up in my parts. I can't stand those little Russian pukes that drive around in old Honda Accords and other crappy cars looking for more cars to steal. A lot of these people come down from Canada into the states to commit crimes. It's horrible.

I found my car a week and a half later torn up with a seat missing, black spray painted windows from the inside and the electrical system was all screwed up. They put on crappy little black 15" rims/tires that rubbed on the calipers. They sprayed WD40 all over the place to get rid of finger prints. It was totaled. I couldn't bellieve they didn't do any body damage.

Yeah, I know what it feels like to have my car stolen too...

P.S. I had a top of the line Clifford alarm system as well.

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If you haven't met every woman in the world, then saying every woman can't drive, because you've seen 4 that can't is no different than saying all blacks like fried chicken, or all hispanics are poor and are a dredge on society. Those statements are no less ignorant, bigoted, or offensive than your statements.

You know what they say about people that assume things right?

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