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2006 Gs300 Rims Update!


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First of all they look AWESOME. But with 225/50 tires they rub the strut just the tinyest bit. The smallest spacers would work - and i mean 1/8 or 1/4 at most, or do I have other options? What if I just use some small washers, one per lug, will that pull the rim off the hub so far that it will cause problems?

I just want to hurry up and put them on without having to buy expensive spacers.

The rims are 17x7.5 in case someone needs to know.

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You may have enough stud length to get a 5mm spacer if that is what you need to move the tire away from the strut.

Otherwise get new tires as i don;t think you want to get into real spacers using new studs.

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A couple of small washers from The Home Depot placed on each lug and no more rubbing, and the rims are still sitting on the hub. So, until anything unusual happens like vibrating, I will hold off on any spacers.

These rims look soooooo sweeeeet on an ES300. As soon as I get a digital camera I will post some pics.

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you increase the pressure on the lugs if the rim is not sitting on the hub, but if you would have read my post you would have seen that my rims ARE sitting on the hubs. here, i'll make it easy for you to read this.


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Man its your funeral, but that car is no longer road safe or street legal.

Washers from home depot? Why don't you put wheelbarrow tires on it? Do it right or don't do it. "sweet wheels dude" isn't worth dying or hurting innocent people. Adult sense of logic and responsibility need to work in here.

You posted to ask us if it would be safe, it isn't safe. Don't get mad just because you don't like our answer.

Block out your license plate if you post pics, because if you don't I'll turn you into your local DMV for running illegal and unsafe equipment.

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make it easy for me?! you are too funny.

I read where you said you think it is still sitting on the hub.

The unfortunate part is that hub ring no longer take the load of axial motion as well by moving the wheel away from the hubs face you have added load pressure to squarely apply them to the studs as there is a gap between the rim and hub.This create a new axis point which squarely leaves the pressures of bumps,turns accelerating and braking to be only applied to the studs and the 3mm around the washers which are connected to the hub.

Flame? me ..........

you are a moron.

You asked a question got a reasonable answer and decide to not head any advice from some people who might just actually know something.

As i said have fun grinding to a halt when the studs break right off. It has happened before and will happen to you, it is not a question of IF but when.

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SW30ES My plate number is RHQ-859 and I live in Tennessee. Turn me in because I don't give two sh*ts if you do.

SK Any board where a moderator would say "Have fun grinding to a halt”, basically wishing destruction on someone's car, had better look into getting a new moderator. I have been looking at this board for over a year now and have noticed that you, SK, go off half cocked, and while giving factual information, do so in a smarta$$ed way. All you had to do was leave out all that smug smarta$$ talk and I would have had a better time stomaching or "heading" ,as you say, your advise; the word is Heed not Head, and you call me a moron? I might not be making the best decision but I am no moron I assure you.

So hasten back to your computer and continue writing garbled unreadable posts that make close to no sense whatsoever and heed this; a 14 year old with C's in spelling could easily call you a moron and be comfortable doing so.

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i can't spelll this is news to you.


Did you miss my own personal title.

You seem to understand the post quite simply to me.

Do you feel better now that the only constructive thing you said is known about as much as the sky is blue.

On any board when a member is told that what they are doing is about as absurd as scerwing a goat they would be laughed at for there own stupidity.

So go have fun with your goat.

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To whom it may concern,

I twice told SK exactly what I thought about his last post and your moderator deleted them both because he couldn't handle everybody here knowing and possibly agreeing with what I said.

I thought this was a posting board rather than a deleting board.

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Dude, you're going to kill yourself and you're too much of a pompous !Removed! to listen to us.

SK's right, you are a moron. I only hope you wind up killing only yourself and don't hurt anyone else.

Washers from Home Depot? Thats one of the most redneck stupid ricer hacks I've ever heard of.

If you're only looking to come here and get opinions that support the lame and dangerous crap you want to do to your car because you're too cheap to do it right, go somewhere else.

If you actually want to LEARN how to do things THE RIGHT WAY then hang around, but you need a serious attitude adjustment and a dose of "I don't know everything about everything" pills if you're going to.

As for the post that was removed, it was not removed by SK and it was removed because of the terrible vulgarity you used in expressing your opinion. We don't tolerate that here.

Grow up, or hit the road.

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I've been following this thread with great amusement. Did you ever hear the expression, "The pot calling the kettle black"? Well here's a perfect example as pertains to an above posting:

"All you had to do was leave out all that smug smarta$$ talk and I would have had a better time stomaching or "heading" ,as you say, your advise; the word is Heed not Head, and you call me a moron? "

The proper use of the word in this case should be "advice" NOT "advise". So there. LOL :D

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Hey guys, go easy on Kolawski. Let him do what ever he wants. At least there is another source of parts for us in the future. I'm sure all of your warnings didn't mean a thing to him since he decided to do what he wanted to.

So are the washers really that unsafe? Well, I wish a High School friend was here to hear your warnings as it could have prevented his fatal mistake.

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Sorry to hear Mikey ,but it is the unfortunately honest truth as you well know.

If your friend only had a board like this they could run questions by people with some knowledge for input.

I just never understood his anger at me for saying "have fun grinding to a halt " which is exactly what will happen , i wasn't wishing it on him . If i had wanted him to get hurt i would have waited for him to post my car broke and i am parting it out.

Oh well ,you lose some and some are just losers.

Besides he can still read everyones thoughts pro or con as he still comes on line and read posts .Since he was suspended he can't post just read.

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Oh I am definitely going to get wheel spacers. As a matter of fact I have already ordered them and had always intended to (H&R 5mm) but the washers are on for now and doing just fine.

I know that I might not be making the best decision, but that is the way I live my life, by trial and error. Telling me that I am making a stupid decision is one thing, but reacting the way some of these guys have is just damn ridiculous. Their reactions, and trouble here at home, prompted me to overreact and get real *BLEEP*ed. For that I am sorry.

But just as I have told my parents my whole life, "they are my decisions, let me make them and deal with the consequences."

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I was wondering where you got your tires mounted? I dont believe 225 50's should be put on your car uinless you would put spacers on it. If you look at tirerack.com and other such sites they will show that a 225 will rub. Just my thought !!

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But you're operating a motor vehicle on public roadways, your decisions don't just impact you, they impact EVERYONE AROUND YOU on the road. Nobody started reacting to you with...ferver...until you started refusing to accept our reccomendations.

If you live your life by trial and error that way, and don't want anybody's advice, then why do you post on bulletin boards asking for advice?

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As a member of this board do the rules state that I Must accept your recommendations? I don’t think that they do. Just because I or someone asks for advice doesn’t mean that we have to accept it. Many people post here just to tell you’ all what they have done and how they did it, whether or not you like it. They’re not asking for advice and don’t have to take advice that is given.

I know that I might be putting a lot of stress on the lug nuts but I seriously doubt that suddenly all 5 are going to snap off and my ES will go out of control. Maybe one would break and then put more stress on the next and so on and so forth. But by the first one or two, if they did break, you would feel it and stop the car.

The chance that all 5 would break and the wheel would fall off and cause me to lose control is 1 in a million.

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You simple asked for advice because you didn't know better.

You were then informed of the consequences.

You took insult to the solutions and started to rant/flame.

So you have gone from not knowing better to not caring about yourself your car or others around you.

Anyone of the people posting could be driving next to you when a tire lets go. It may not make very little vibrations if any when it is about to let go. All you need is a large enough pothole and they will snap faster than you can stop.

I have been hit twice by truck tires causing quite a bit of damage all because of careless owner/operators cutting corners.

Remember each wheel nut is torqued to 70lbs, times 5 that is 350.

1 stud and each goes up to a holding pressure of

87.5 = for 4

116.6 = for 3

175 = for 2

350 = for 1

So as they snap each of the others are induced with more pressure at a point which they are not made to hold.By increasing the point of contact and removing the hub from sitting flush those loads are increased by much more than that.

It is not a 1 in a million chance it is much lower more along the lines of 1 in 50 chance since nothing in the design of what you have can hold its own pressures.

You are asking a stud to hold a wheel against a hub it cannot touch but with a 1/4 inch stud.

It is the difference of holding a 5 lb shopping bag with a pencil to hold it up only or holding it with your hand. Which is in effect what you have done.

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"You are asking a stud to hold a wheel against a hub it cannot touch but with a 1/4 inch stud.

It is the difference of holding a 5 lb shopping bag with a pencil to hold it up only or holding it with your hand. Which is in effect what you have done."

I told you all from the very beginning that the wheel IS still sitting on the hub, just not as much as without the washers.

Here's a little story for ya.....My other car is a 91 Nissan Pathfinder with aftermarket 15x7 rims with 31x10.50 tires which weigh about 60 pounds each. One day as I was putting the tires back on I only used my impact wrench to torque the lugs and meant to go back and use a wrench to make sure that they were on good but forgot to. Well my compressor was not running up to full pressure and unbeknown to me the lugs didn't get torqued anywhere near what they should've been.

After a few days I was on the interstate going my usual 80+ mph and all of the sudden the whole truck began to shake and rumble like mother! I nearly !Removed! my panties because I didn't know what it was. I adjusted my mirror down so I could see the tire and it was wobbling like I have never seen. So I pulled over, grabbed my lug wrench, and checked the lugs on both sides. To my horror, 3 of the 6 lugs on both sides had 1 turn left until they came off, and the other 3 had about 3 turns left on the lugs.

80 MPH!!!! in a 4000 lb truck with all the gear I have in there plus me at 275 and my girlfriend at (undisclosed for my sake) less than 170. Imagine the hell that put on those lugs (6 of them), and had been putting on them for a couple of days without making any real noise or vibration. And, amazingly not one of the lugs was bent or even had marred threads!!! Just sit back and imagine that...........Now think of my car with the rim still sitting on the weight bearing hub and not weighing nearly as much as the Pathfinder and with nuts that are good and tight.

I speak from experience when I say that they probably aren't going to break off all of the sudden causing some catastrophe. The lugs can take more abuse than you give them credit for SK.

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