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What Is The Black Color That Has A Tint Of Green


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Hello.. I am going to get my car detailed and I have a chip by one door.. I wanted to know what is the name of the color that is really dark black with a tint of green.. The owner stated the car was green, but everyone thinks its black..

Any advice is greatly appreciated!

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Your paint code is on the VIN plate on the inside of your front door.

My 94 Lexus color is 6K4 Dark Green Mica and it is greenish black. Hope that helps.

LEXUS 1994


3J8Wine red mica3K1Dark mauve mica3K3Red mica3K7Light grayish opal mica4J1Beige mica4K7Light reddish brown met.4K9Beige met.6K4Dark green mica6M1Dark green mica6M2Blueish green mica6M3Graiysh green met.8J4Dark blue mica8J5Dark blue mica046Warm gray pearl mica051Super white pearl mica176Super silver III met.180Grey mica182Bluish gray met.183Dark bluish gray met.202Black923Grayish purple mica

Hello.. I am going to get my car detailed and I have a chip by one door.. I wanted to know what is the name of the color that is really dark black with a tint of green.. The owner stated the car was green, but everyone thinks its black..

Any advice is greatly appreciated!

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Hello.. I am going to get my car detailed and I have a chip by one door.. I wanted to know what is the name of the color that is really dark black with a tint of green.. The owner stated the car was green, but everyone thinks its black..

Any advice is greatly appreciated!

Black Jade pearl 6K4

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