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Leather Cleaning

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I had read in this forum that some folks use soft scrub lemon,I did not use the one with bleach in it, to clean the leather.

I used lexol products which I find are good but do not do much in the way of getting out stains or ground in dirt.

I tried soft scrub even though their web site said it should not be used for cleaning leather.

I used it to clean my 1993 gs 300 seats I used old white socks and can report that this stuff really works in getting the dirt out, judgeing from the residue on the socks it also appears that it takes a good bit of the stain out of or off of the surface of the leather as well. The amount of stain/dye removed was not noticable in that you could not tell from looking at the seat that it lost some stain/dye, but you couldsure see it on the socks.

I followed up the soft scrub with a a lexol cleaner and then lexol leather conditioner in my hope that what ever good stuff the soft scrub removed from the leather the lexol would replace.

So baring any down the road results like the leather falling apart from the use of soft scrub I would say this stuff does clean really well and soften the leather ( my guess, by removing hardened/stiff dye stain from the leather) but I do not know if I would use it to often rather use it as a one time cleaner, followed up with a good amount of leather conditioner.

Has anyone used soft scrub and what were your impressions? Have you found anyway to remove old ground in dirt that would do less harm then soft scrub?

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Q: Has anyone used soft scrub and what were your impressions?

A word of caution, do not be tempted to use household cleaning products for automotive cleaning as they are formulated for very different purposes and could cause damage.

(As you stated “I tried soft scrub even though their web site said it should not be used for cleaning leather.”)

Q: Have you found anyway to remove old ground in dirt that would do less harm then soft scrub?

Leatherique's Prestine Clean and then follow with a leather conditioner


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I also would never use soft scrub. In a pinch you can use a Mr Clean Magic Eraser but soft scrub is full of harsh agents. The fact that you got dye is not a good thing seeing that you have coated leather, you probably scrubbed off the protective coating.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Q: Has anyone used soft scrub and what were your impressions?

A word of caution, do not be tempted to use household cleaning products for automotive cleaning as they are formulated for very different purposes and could cause damage.

(As you stated “I tried soft scrub even though their web site said it should not be used for cleaning leather.”)

Q: Have you found anyway to remove old ground in dirt that would do less harm then soft scrub?

Leatherique's Prestine Clean and then follow with a leather conditioner


Leatherique = Awesome stuff

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