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  1. You might try using the mirror switches while the car is in Reverse, and adjust them where you want then. Mine were going too far down initially, and doing that let them find a new position when placed in Reverse, but still returned to the driving setting when placed back in Drive.
  2. It's the financing cost. Here's a good site: http://www.leaseguide.com/lease08.htm
  3. They do, an outfit in Canada makes them for plants here, one in Japan there.
  4. This could be too simple, and I'm not suggesting you haven't explored all the features before, but is it possible someone changed the display range? I normally keep mine at 700 ft and when I change it to the next step, I believe .25 miles, a lot of streets disappear. Maybe it got changed unknowingly.
  5. When you say it's leaking, is it coming into the car or are you referring to water in the trough around the opening that's exposed when you fully open the roof? To some degree, there will be a little seepage getting around the glass portion and into that trough, and the trough is drained by tubes running behind the trim work to let it drain. Take a look at the trough and see if you see the drains, maybe let a little water run into those holes using a bottle or some container that will let you control the flow. If it's just some water collecting there and draining, it's not really a problem as long as the seals around the glass look like they have integrity and aren't gapped or torn. If the water drains in your experiment, then any water seeping around the seals will drain without damaging your trim. Often small leaves will block those drain holes and tubes.
  6. If you look closely, you'll see the top grid is separated from the rest. It's the antenna.
  7. Are you turning the compressor off (A/C) button, perhaps to let the system clear out with fresh air before shut-down? When you stop the A/C I believe it reverts to outside air rather than auto on the air source button. It would resume in that outside air setting. I seem to recall there's a personalized (dealer) setting that may let it stay on outside air all the time (or some variation of that).
  8. Just wondering why the fuel pump is running hours after the vehicle has been shut off? It is a pump but it's actually evacuating any gas vapors in the tank as I recall. It's covered in the hybrid manual, I expect it's also in the regular manual. The hybrid also has a few other similar sounds right after you turn it off.
  9. This is not exactly what you want, but it will get you to a broadcasting station rather than just your presets: (from the manual) Press ∧ or ∨ on to select a radio station. To scan for receivable stations, press and hold the switch until you hear a beep.
  10. I believe the dimming also cancels when you put the RX in reverse. The dark tint rear glass obviously reduces vision, as well. I would expect you'll adapt to the view in a short time.
  11. Sounds right assuming it's dark enough to have the headlamps on in auto. Do they work when the headlight switch is moved to the next notch--headlamps on versus the auto position?
  12. Here's one thread, at least. Try a search on white particles and white dust, as well, and you may get more, but it seems it's an internal piece causing it. http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...p;hl=white+dust
  13. I sent an email to Lexus on their owner support site, they said I should have an answer in a couple days. I asked specifically about my Obsidian (paint 212) for '08, and will relay the answer.
  14. I have detailed dozens of Black Lexus vehicles. Lexus black does not have a clearcoat, its obvious when machine polishing these vehicles because the black paint transfers to the pad on your polisher. Toyota white is also not clearcoated but Lexus white is. What did you use to try and get the paint to transfer? You need something abrasive enough. If I machine polished your black IS...the paint would transfer. Go to www.autopia.org and search for "black Lexus" and read the posts, thousands of professional detailers there and plenty of discussions about the single stage Lexus black. I used Meguiars Paint Cleaner and a cloth, no transfer. I also found this quote from you in the Detail Forum: June 06
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